(02) Those Babyblues

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Hi! Thank you for coming back for the second chapter, I work really hard on this story, and I have a big vision for it. With your support, I would love to keep writing when I get the chance. Especially with most of my state testing done, so now I'm officially (almost) free! Still got AP's left lol...


"A little more to your left." I closed one eye and cocked my head as I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Left?" Kristina confirmed as she panted before she jumped again and raised her arm to hit the painting so it went a little more left for her. The painting swung for a few seconds before finding its place to the right.

"Nice try," I commented and Kristina shot me a glare with a huff.

"That's it!" Kristina exclaimed and huffed away from the painting. I rolled my eyes at her being over dramatic and sighed as I waited for her outburst to end. "Why the hell do we even need a painting of the ocean this is Pennsylvania for crying out loud!" She threw her hands up in frustration.

"Because it's pretty?" I suggested and Kristina just rolled her eyes.

"Then you hang the stupid thing! You're taller than me anyway." Kristina claimed. I wasn't even that tall, it was Kristina who was short, standing at 5'4. I was 5'7.

"Not by much. Just hang the painting, Kristina, I already have a job." I stated as I sat back on the couch.

"Your job's replaceable." Kristina claimed. True. Anyone could watch to see if the painting was crooked, but could anyone throw out sarcastic remarks about Kristina while doing it? The answer was, no.

"Yeah, but I'm not." I responded with a smirk to which Kristina rolled her eyes and turned around, as she jumped up to hit the painting in anger. She hadn't expected it to the left like it was meant to in the first place and I smiled when it did.

"See? That wasn't so hard." I stated. Kristina sighed and came to where I was sitting as she crossed her arms over her chest and looked at the painting.

"Hm, and who says anger never solves anything?" She said and then plopped down onto the couch.

"What are we eating?" She asked me. We neglected to go grocery shopping and had finished all of our food the last two days we had spent trying to get everything perfect to our liking, so it couldn't be anything we made ourselves.

Thank god, considering I wasn't even a remotely good cook.

"No clue, what are you in the mood for because there's nothing in our fridge." I stated. Kristina sighed and laid her head down on my lap.

"We'll go grocery shopping tomorrow. There's like two more days before hell right?" Kristina asked and I nodded. "Great, I want sushi." she said. 

It was amazing how alike our interests were. We were both sushi and coffee addicts and it was definitely something we were happy to learn about the other.

"Me too." I agreed and we both stood up and smiled at each other.

"You know any good sushi places around here?" Kristina asked me. Did I? How could she even ask that? I didn't even live in Philly before now.

Sussex was 4 and a half hours from here. Did she really think I would make the 4 and a half hour trip to find a good sushi place? Because I did. In the summer.

"Duh." I responded with a grin.

"Wow, that was amazing." Kristina said with a sigh as we got into my car. Wasn't it? Sushi, it was definitely something that spoke to me. That, and coffee.

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