(01) Living On Your Own

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I turned the manual over to the side, cocking my head with it, somehow thinking it would make me suddenly understand the directions better. Nope. I closed one eye, scrunching my nose. Still nope.

"Sofia? What are you doing?" I jumped at my cousin's voice, before turning to face her. I was surprised with myself that I didn't hear her coming since Kristina wasn't known for having a light foot, she walked on her heels and made it known she was coming. 

Kristina's dark doe eyes were looking at me with confusion while she swept her tan hand across her cheek, tucking her raven hair behind her ear. The bun she had a few hours had more fallout than bun, and it fanned across her tan cheeks and forehead.

"Trying to put together my new bed, it's not going well." I sighed as I let my arm, holding the manual, fall to my side. Kristina laughed and I scrunched my nose at her, feeling the rim of my glasses move with my nose.

"You got a 1560 on your SATs, and you can't put together a bed?" She raised her dark brows at me. I shrugged.

"School's my thing. I'm not trying to be Bob the Builder." I remarked, rolling my eyes. Kristina tsked and crossed her arms over her chest, while leaning on my doorway of my new bedroom. It was then that I took the time to actually take a look at her appearance. 

She looked...tired. Her gray t-shirt hung loose on her, and it only took me a second to realize that the shorts she was wearing were, in fact, mine.

"Let's wait for our dads, they can do mine too. I just did the kitchen." She informed me.

"Are you wearing my shorts?" I arched a brow at my cousin, hearing her statement, but ignoring it for the moment. She tucked her bottom lip in her mouth.

"No." She said, uncrossing her arms to try and cover the shorts.

"Yeah, okay." I rolled my eyes, finding it so easy to talk to her. Kristina and I used to be so close when we were little, when she lived in Sussex -- the quiet little town we had both been raised in that was only an hour away from Pittsburg -- but then her dad opened his own practice in Miami. I only saw her for the holidays after that, but it was so easy to talk to her.

We were best friends, and now we're living together. In an apartment twenty minutes away from UPENN, which was where both of us had gotten into, me on a medical scholarship. Kristina majoring in English and Literature.

"I didn't bring any of my summer clothes with me from Florida, and it's a lot hotter than I thought it was gonna be. I haven't experienced a winter here in so long, how bad am I in for?" Kristina frowned. I gave her a sympathetic smile.

"Kinda bad, a lot worse than Miami, that's for sure." I informed her. "And how cold were you expecting Pennsylvania to be in September?" I arched a brow.

"We're gonna need to carpool for a while, until I can get used to it, and I don't know...it's weird being here." I was used to Kristina's need to overplan everything. That was just how she was. I was the same way, for certain things. 

Only for school, and for long term plans. She felt the need to plan every single aspect of her life, she didn't like not knowing, and I understood where she came from, but I always felt you had the most fun when you just go with the flow. 

Although, I was kinda taking a break from 'going with the flow' since it was what had ruined my summer. I was more strict on myself now, I had plans in mind and I was planning on sticking to them.

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