(29) Forgive and Forget

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Hey kinky slut! Long time no talk!
:( school's been annoying and hard and it's just been taking up all my time :(. Very late happy thanksgiving, I already had my break like a few weeks ago, and Ik only America celebrates it but still, happy thanksgiving ;). Winter break Is in 2 weeks!!! I've never been happier!! And then, my school's weird, I have finals two weeks after winter break. Soooo annoying! Anyway, enjoy the chapter!!

^^me when the teacher gives homework on a Friday night


"Tommy Wilson, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can, and will, be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as I have read them to you?" I watched as the officer walked out with Tommy, who had his hands cuffed behind his back.

I couldn't see anything but him, couldn't hear anything. All I could do was stare at him as he was directed towards the squad car, while he watched me like a hawk as well.

This guy, whom I'd never truly liked, did this. I knew Tommy was sketchy, I just didn't know he was capable of this. Almost raping someone. He wouldn't be an almost rapist if it wasn't for Nathan -- he would actually be one.

He had protected me so many times, as he'd promised. I owed him so much.

I hadn't realized I was gripping Nathan's coat-covered, veiny arm so tight until he set a hand on top of mine, which had me snapping back to reality.

"How are you?" I heard him ask me. I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I shrugged.

"Been better." I said. Nathan took my face in his hand, bringing my face up to look at his eyes. His hazel eyes took in mine, examining them for whatever reason.

"The drugs wore off, your eyes aren't dilated anymore. Are you feeling tired?" He asked me. I nodded slowly, furrowing my brows as I wondered on why he sounded like such an expert at this.

"Speaking from experience?" I asked, though Nathan didn't get a chance to answer when the officer who had read Tommy his miranda rights came up to us.

"Ms.Vincenti?" He spoke to me. I turned to face the officer, who stood straight with a hand resting on his holster.

"Yes?" I said in a low voice and then cleared my throat.

"I apologize for your traumatic experience, ma'am, I can't imagine what you're going through. Are you still feeling light-headed?" The officer asked me and I shook my head.

"Not really, I think I'm good now." I replied in a monotone voice.

"I got word from my guys down at the station that they were already working on getting a warrant for Tommy Wilson's arrest and have been calling you to inform you that they found his fingerprints on your photo. If you would like, you definitely have the option to press charges for drugging, attempted rape and stalking. If you intend on pressing charges for the date-rape drug, my suggestion would be to go to the doctor's office and get tested for it soon. The sooner the better before the drugs leave your system." The officer had a sympathetic look in his eyes as I solemnly nodded.

The rest of the time with the officers was a blur to me. I felt the tightness in my chest begin to wither away as the cop car, carrying Tommy, drove off.

I jumped, a kind of jump everyone notices, when I felt a hand on my forearm. The skittish reaction had to do with everything that screamed 'Tommy'. I half-expected it to be him. My head snapped to the hand and then looked up to meet Isaac's blue eyes. My body instantly relaxed and I let out a breath of relief.

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