(53) Strict No Distraction Policy

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"I've always hated apoptosis." Isaac rubbed his eyes, and I rolled mine.

"It's not that bad. Besides, you wanted to save the worst for last, and here we are." My brain felt like it was going to explode.

After a week of helping Isaac study for the MCATs, I was ready to take the stupid test. The only thing keeping me from falling asleep? Sitting on Nathan's lap while his hand rubbed my thigh.

Isaac kept shooting him dirty looks saying there was a strict 'no distraction policy'. Nathan kept telling him he wasn't going to be a distraction, right before kissing my neck and rubbing my inner thigh when Isaac would take a minute to write down the notes I'd tell him.

"You're right. Okay. Let's get it over with. Hit me." I appreciated him not fighting me on this. This test was way too important, he needed this for med school.

I beamed and opened the MCAT practice book to Apoptosis. Nathan was quiet and good about me explaining it to Isaac. He didn't complain, but he did tap his foot on the floor and I felt it. I felt his knee rising and falling and it made my core heat up.

Nathan noticed the switch in me and while Isaac was writing "suicidal cells" as a way to help himself remember Apoptosis, Nathan pulled me against his chest.

My back rested against his hard chest and he used my hair to bare my neck to him, planting an open mouthed kiss on it. My eyes fluttered closed and I bit down on my lip.

"Is it time for a break yet?" He whispered against my skin, his hand cupping me through my leggings under the table. I gulped, grabbing his wrist.

"You're gonna drive me crazy." I knew if he really pushed, I wouldn't be strong enough to stop him from touching me while Isaac was right there.

"You already drive me crazy." Was his response and Isaac peered up, not noticing Nathan trying to feel me up.

"Okay, so depressed cells. What else?" He asked, causing me to laugh.

"They're not depressed, Isaac." He waved me off. Nathan's fingers skimmed over the waistband of my leggings, causing my breath to hitch.

"It's how I'm gonna remember apopwhatever. Nate, you needa leave. You're distracting my study partner." Isaac narrowed his eyes at his best friend. Okay, maybe Isaac was aware of what was happening.

"I'm not doing anything." My boyfriend responded innocently. That was a big fat lie, he was distracting me. I loved this kind of distraction though.

"I'm gonna apop your ass if you don't let her sit in her own damn chair." Isaac narrowed his eyes and I bit down on my lip to keep from laughing. He was so cute when he was mad, Nathan seemed to agree as his chest vibrated with laughter.

"Fine. No more distractions. Carry on." He said.

"Thanks for your permission." I couldn't keep myself from saying, and he pinched my thigh. I glared at him over my shoulder, but he only winked at me.

He did, however, keep his promise though. He kept quiet while I helped Isaac study apoptosis. Fuck the suicidal cells, let them burst for all I care.

Great. Now I was referring to them as suicidal cells. You certainly felt suicidal after having to study them for half an hour. They were cancerous, literally and figuratively.

All three of us were happy when I announced we were done.

"Fuck. I think I'm ready to take the MCAT." Nathan said, causing me to giggle.

"Yeah? You gonna join us in med school?" I replied, keeping the grin on my face.

"I don't know, maybe I should. I love biology, especially learning about anatomy." His words sounded innocent, but the look in his eyes said otherwise.

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