(30) Are You Okay?

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Heyy been a hot minute, huh? I apologize for not updating in a while, but I had school that was kicking my butt but now I'm officially on winter break, though I had a lot of projects due when I get back so some break huh. Anyway, I'll try to write and post more but idk how well that's gonna work out, since I also have finals two weeks after I come back. I know, sucks. Anywayssss enjoy the chapter!!



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"I'm nervous." I muttered as Nathan picked out the key for my door. After he had unlocked the first door, downstairs, I had been hesitant in climbing up the stairs. I didn't want to go inside, not because I didn't want to see my friends.

But, because I didn't want to deal with being bombarded by them. I loved them, I just didn't feel like bombarding someone with all of the touching to see if they were okay was the right way to go when they were almost raped.

Then again, I also thought having shower sex with Nathan was my way of coping with it, so I wasn't the best judge on what's right or wrong in these types of situations.

I never even thought I would be another one of these situations. I knew Reed had forced himself on me to kiss him when I was so drunk and vulnerable with him and Chelsea, but I guess now it was just registering that Reed might've been trying to do the same thing as Tommy.

Was there something wrong with me that I had such bad luck with the male population? Jesus fucking christ, I was so over it. I wasn't feeling scared and vulnerable, at all, I was pissed. Beyond.

Seriously? Who the fuck do these people, Tommy and Reed, think they are trying to take away someone's right to their own fucking body. How do people like them even exist? How do they have the right to breathe and live freely?

"I know, but I'm right here. For a little bit anyway, until they kick me out and make it a 'girls night in'." Nathan assured me, and I sighed as I played with the hem of the boxer shorts Nathan had given me. Topped with another one of his t-shirts.

Thank God, since the other one didn't smell like him anymore. It helped me fall asleep, before all this chaos started and I slept alone. Was that weird? Oh well, what's new? I liked how he smelled, I could never get enough of it. He smelled so damn good, all the damn time.

"Too late to back out?" I scrunched my nose as Nathan unlocked the door.

"Kinda." Nathan laughed as he pushed the door open and I sucked in a breath as I took a small step inside my apartment.

My heart broke when I saw Kristina, Libby and Ashley all sitting Indian style on the ground. Kristina's mascara was running and Libby and Ashley looked pale, worried. I had put that on their faces.

Fuck, I was a horrible person for not coming here right away. I had made them worry for even longer.

"Sofia?" Kristina sprang up from her spot first and ran straight for me, surprising me when she barreled into me, making me take a step back in surprise as she wrapped me in a bear hug.

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