(00) before reading

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Hello my lovely readers. Welcome back! If you're reading this then that means that by some miracle you wanted to read this story. Hope you enjoy the 13 second video I put it Shaq dancing. && of course the story.

The story that little 'ol me wrote. Isn't that crazy? ah! I'm so excited for this omg omg omg!

I do have a few words for you before you do go onto the first chapter though. Just a little insight that I think you might enjoy.

First off: the little (00) thing I have at the top is just a little header because the chapters will be (01) for chapter 1 or (02) for chapter 2 and etc...

Second off: there are some very...very...very mature scenes in this book that will make some people uncomfortable. I suggest you click out of this book right now if that makes you uncomfortable because that's what half of the book basically is.

Third off: as well as the scenes, there is some harsh language. They all mean well, they're college kids after all of course they're going to cuss.

Fourth of all: this is not -- I REPEAT -- NOT a story where the main character is a sweet innocent virgin. Sofia Vincenti has had her fair share of guys and she might even be describe as a seductress when you think about her. She basically seduces men to get her way. So...if you were looking for the cliché little innocent virgin deal then once again you should click out of this story because that is not what you're going to be reading. I apologize.

Fifth of all: the town she's originally from, Sussex, IS MADE UP! But, that and the characters themselves along with a few local places are the only things made up. The college and city and such are real places.

Sixth of all: this book is my ideas that splurge out of me. I have such an active and wild imagination that I could easily come up with a diversity of stories and each one would be more different than the last. The only thing my female characters have in common in any of the books I write is that they all have a sarcastic side to them. That I will admit but that's probably because that's just my personality and I like to put a little bit of myself in my characters. I love writing about characters with brown hair and brown eyes because that's me and I also have a sharp tongue so a few characters are based off of me. In this story though, the main character is blonde with blue eyes, but surprise! Her best friend has brown hair, brown eyes. In each story, there's always a character that's like
Me. Wonder which one is in this story😏

To give you a little idea of what to think of when I mention these characters, I will do a random characters part thingy mabob where it's basically just pictures of the characters, or at least some of them since there's sooo many in this story. It's a little hard to keep up with, even for myself, sometimes, although I'm almost completely honestly positive that all of the important characters mentioned (except for one bc she's 4) are at the bottom where it says "cast". There's a lot there but if I haven't done the character thingy yet and you're still having trouble visualizing someone, hell or even after seeing that character thing, then feel free to look at that bc it will contain the names of my muses 🌚

Anywayyyy without further ado:::::: may you enjoy the first chapter

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