(15) Here's To New Friends

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Hey kinky slut ;) how are you? Up top is the picture of Libby ^ memorize it or not but that's how I envisioned her for this book (aka Shailene Woodley Incase y'all were wondering) anywayssss I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, and I hope you have as much fun reading it as I had writing it. Lol I'm just gonna stop now. Enjoy!


"You're kidding me, right?" Isaac frowned at the new class seating chart on Wednesday. I squinted my eyes as I looked at the list. This was wrong...right? I thought me and Isaac were supposed to sit next to each other...I thought you didn't have assigned seats in college... What the hell?

"We don't sit next to each other anymore." I stated with a frown. Who was I going to bitch about the boring class with now? I would probably get seated next to someone who took notes on every single thing Williams said. Ugh.

"I know, but you got lucky. Libby's actually pretty cool." Isaac said and I relaxed a little.

"You know her?" I cocked my head to the side and eyed my name, which was put next to someone named Libby Stevenson.

"She's been in my bio classes all through college. Who the hell is Danny Chesterfield?" Isaac asked. I shrugged in response as Professor Williams made her way into the classroom, her eyes looking straight through us before she made her way to her podium.

"Take your seat. It's temporary, don't worry, you're having a partner pre-lab quiz on the lab I assigned you to read about on Monday. You can go back to your original seats on Monday." She informed us. Oh thank god. Isaac looked scared.

"I forgot to read that lab." He whispered beside me.

"Let's hope Danny's smart then." I patted his arm as I made my way to my seat. A few seconds later, an adorable brunette scanned her green eyes around the seats before she spotted her seat and sat down next to me.

"Hey, I'm Sofia." I introduced myself. I was always good at making people warm up to me.

"I'm Libby, and you're the freshman, right?" She asked me, curiously. Right, I forgot for a minute that Professor Williams had outed me on my first day. I didn't even know she checked up on her students like that. I could not have been her only freshman.

"Sadly, yeah, I came in here thinking I could keep a low profile and not let anyone know I was a freshman. Looks like Professor Williams had other plans." I rolled my eyes. Libby laughed at that.

"Don't be embarrassed by it, embrace it. Being a freshman in her class, is like going straight from crawling to riding a bike. I envy your brain if you can make it in here." Libby responded. I scrunched my nose.

"Yeah, I guess. Thank you." I said.

"No problem, by the way, are you and blue eyes over there dating?" She suddenly asked me. Let me tell you, if I had a drink in my hand, I would've just taken a sip at the moment just to spit it out. Me and Isaac? Oh hell to the no...

"Ha! No, he's actually dating my roommate. I set them up." I replied. That was the first time someone had asked me if I was dating Isaac, and hopefully the last. With the way our relationship was steering, it seemed Isaac was the brother I never had. There was only one other guy I considered my 'brother' but he wasn't even in Pennsylvania anymore. He was in New Jersey with his boyfriend.

Libby bit her lip and a slight red tint appeared on her cheeks, "Oh, damn. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it awkward." She said.

"Oh, no. You didn't. I personally think it's funny. Considering he's a dumbtard." I said and as if sensing that me and Libby were talking about him, Isaac turned around to face me in that moment and I stuck my tongue out at him.

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