(52) While There's A Sleeping Dog On My Floor?

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"Be a good girl for Sofia and Kristina, okay?" Libby cooed at Lala. I sat on the couch, patiently waiting for her and Ashley to leave. They were having a bit of attachment issues with Lala, and it seemed neither wanted to leave the dog.

"Jesus christ, I'm going to the reservation if you two don't leave now." Kristina grumbled, and the girls lifted their heads to Kristina and then laughed.

"Okay, okay. We're going. We know we're a bit overbearing with her." Ashley tugged on her girlfriend's arm. "Come on, Lib."

"Seriously, thank you guys for this. I mean it. You have no idea how much this means for our alone time with school back." Libby said sincerely, which caused me to smile big.

"You guys need this, Lala will be taken care of now go and enjoy your night." I stood up, shooing my friends out the door. After they finally left, I turned to Lala and Kristina.

"Okay, how about you go chase Kristina around the apartment." I laughed, getting on my knees to be eye level with Lala.

"Not funny," Kristina grumbled, repeating my action. Lala barked happily and wagged her tail as she licked mine and Kristina's faces.

"Someone's happy to see us." Kristina smiled petting Lala.

"Maybe we should keep you." I petted her other side.

"I'd be so down to keep her--what if we tell them she ran away to be with her lesbian mermaid lover? They'll stop looking for her and we'll get to keep her." Kristina had her brows furrowed, deep in thought, like she genuinely believed that was a good plan. I couldn't even hold in the laugh.

"What do you think, Lala? Do you think your lesbian mermaid lover will have you?" I played along with my cousin and she laughed too.

Lala had no freaking clue what we were saying but still wagged her tail happily.

"I missed hanging out with you." Kristina said, which made me snap my head to her in surprise.

"I did too." I answer, knowing it was mostly my fault.

Though, Nathan has to take some of the blame. We can't keep our hands off each other. I convinced myself it's the new relationship excitement, but I don't see myself getting tired of him ever really. He kissed me shamelessly between classes, not caring who saw.

Then there was after class, where there was sex. Lots and lots and lots of sex. Kristina said we put bunnies to shame and she and Isaac really needed to start catching up.

Which brought on another talk about pregnancy that I quickly shot down because I was already experiencing the before-period cramps.

I was due for my period in a few days and my body was preparing me for it. I was taking my birth control regularly, as I had been doing for the last months.

"You know, I've always dreamed of us dating best friends. This freaking works out perfect, and I think Nate really likes you. From what I know about him, he's never even looked at the same girl twice, let alone date her." I smiled down at Lala at Kristina's words, a faint blush appearing on my cheeks. Since when did I blush so much, oh my.

"I know he does, I can tell. I really like him too." If I thought the man couldn't surprise me anymore, he proved me wrong.

He started bringing me coffee before my classes. He hadn't missed a day this week, and I'd never felt more wanted and cared for. He didn't even realize how much it meant to me, he did it because he wanted to.

"Can we go on double dates now?" Kristina looked so hopeful it made me wanna laugh. Duh.

"Of course we can, my dear cousin. Dating best friends is awesome." We didn't have to worry about Isaac and Nathan getting along, they were practically brothers.

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