(17) History Repeating

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Hey kinky slut ;) what's up?
*Warning* ~ there will be some proactive parts in this chapter, so be warned. Then again, I did also warn you in the description for the story, but just letting you know...anywayyy without further ado...enjoy the chapter ;)


When Saturday night rolled around, I was surprised when it was Nathan inviting me to the party he and Tommy were throwing. If anything Libby had said was true, because she had spilled about a lot more, then Nathan didn't really take the time to invite girls to his parties. Good.

The party was also the first time we would be meeting Libby's girlfriend. I was excited to meet her, she seemed like she really made Libby happy and Libby was slowly becoming someone I was growing to care for.

"Libby's on her way." Kristina informed me as I rubbed the towel on my hair before setting it down on my bed.

"M'kay. Is Ashley with her?" I asked. Ashley, Libby's girlfriend, was also getting ready with us. It would be fun.

"Yep." Kristina popped the 'p'. There was a knock on our door at that exact moment and Kristina grinned as she ran for it. I brushed my wet hair out as I headed to the living room and set the brush down on a counter as Libby walked in and an adorable, short, redhead with pretty green eyes walked in next to her.

"Hey!" Libby greeted me and Kristina with a big grin. "Girls, this is Ashley, my girlfriend. Ash, this is Sofia" Libby gestured to me, "and Kristina." She gestured to Kristina.

"Hey." Ashley shyly greeted us with her hand and tucked a strand of her red hair behind her ear.

"Hey, I love your hair." I told her. Ashley smiled a little wider.

"Thank you, it's a little hard to keep up with the curls." She said. I nodded in agreement.

"Tell me about it, my hair gets really bad sometimes." I scrunched my nose.

"2 hours left for the party, chop-chop, Sof, you gotta get to work." Kristina said to me and I scrunched my nose at her.

"Am I doing everyone's makeup?" I asked. Hey, I don't remember signing up for that.

"Ash can do mine and hers, she's in cosmetology school." Libby informed us.

"Really? I secretly always wanted to do that! How is it?" I asked her. It was like one of those hidden dreams no one knows about because I've always been steered towards the medical field basically since I was born.

"Oh, it's a lot of fun. Just a little stressful sometimes. You should come to one of my classes, they're a lot fun." Ashley said.

"That would be awesome, thanks." I smiled at her.

"I have all my makeup downstairs, I'll be back." Ashley said and we nodded before she went to grab it.

"She's so adorable, Libby, you scored." I told her when the door closed.

"Yeah," Libby stared at where Ashley was once standing with a goofy grin.

"Do I sense love in the air?" Kristina wiggled her brows.

"I don't know yet...we still haven't popped the 'L' word and I'm afraid to. What if she doesn't feel the same way?" Libby furrowed her brows.

"Then she'd be blind. You're both awesome and deserve each other." I said.

"You really think so?" Libby looked up at me and I nodded.

"Oh yeah." I said as the door opened again and in shuffled Ashley with her three large makeup bags. I liked her already. "Great, now let's get ready."

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