(03) College Baby

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Hey kinky slut so this is the third chapter and so far I've been pretty good abt the updating, but rn it doesn't really matter bc I JUST posted the book, and it's not out there yet.

We'll see how it goes when I run out of chapters to post tho because I have 6 ready to publish rn and am currently working on more and more. Finals are in a few weeks for me and therefore I will be busy towards the end of May to mid June so idk how much I'll be writing then and then I'll be going on a mini vacation upnorth soooo idk abt then either but I can never really sleep when I'm on vacation so I'll probably write at night and get one chapter in. Lol all this planning & Idek if this book will even make it but anyway enjoy!


My first thought when my alarm went off at 8 in the morning: fuck no. I was a very deep sleeper, meaning a bomb could go off and I'd merely pass it off as a fly or something -- not literally, of course.

I hope not. Also, it means it's just a tiny bit harder for me to wake up in the morning. A tiny bit.

My class started in an hour and a half and there was no way I was going to get through waking up at 8. For the last three months, I had woken up at 12-2 in the afternoon and before that, it was 5:30 in the morning, but I vowed to never wake up early again.

Yet, here I was. Waking up early. Again. Well, early to some people. Meaning, me.
My alarm went off again after I had hit snooze and I finally just shut it off and pulled the covers off of me with a huff as I sat up and stretched before grabbing my phone.

I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face. After, I checked my phone again, for fear that the clock would suddenly turn 9 and I would start to freak out.

This was only because I was positive traffic would start soon because almost everyone around us went to our university.

After being able to breathe when I saw that I had plenty of time, I put on a little concealer and a few coats of mascara because, as long as your lashes were good, life was good.

"You hungry?!" I heard Kristina yell from the kitchen. She was cooking? It didn't smell like anything.

"Yeah, why?!" Was that even a question? Of course I was.

"Coffee and bagels!" Kristina responded and I realized now why I couldn't smell any breakfast. Because we both sucked at cooking and figured it was better to not even try anymore? Yep.

"Okay, I'm gonna get dressed and I'll be there in a sec." I responded before going back to my room to slip on a pair of shorts and a blue spaghetti strapped cami crop that I would've never gotten away with wearing in high school.

It was refreshing to know that professors couldn't tell you that what you were wearing was too "distracting". Baby blue was my favorite thing to wear since blue and white were known to make blue eyes brighter and pop more. So why not mix them together?

"It's so hot." I commented while fanning myself as I entered the kitchen. It was most likely the last week that the weather would be hot considering we were about to enter September, which was when the fall weather really kicked in and we wouldn't see or feel another hot day until April or May.

"Are you serious? It's so nice. In Florida, this would be one of our cooler days." Kristina responded as she bit into her bagel. I didn't think I could handle Florida for years and years.

The few weeks I would spend there were already suffocating. I would go and visit Kristina in the summers, when it was the hottest, and the heat felt like it was suffocating. I loved doing Christmas there since it was cooler but still warm enough to go to the beach and tan a little.

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