(50) Screw Going Slow

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When I stirred from my sleep, I realized I couldn't really move much. I moved my head more into my pillow, except my pillow felt a lot harder than I was used to, and smelled so much better. It smelled clean with a hint of an earthy, spicy scent. Which could only mean--

My eyes fluttered open and my suspicions were correct. Nathan and I had fallen asleep on the couch, the TV had been shut off. I was cuddled up on his side, and his arm was secure around my waist, making it so I couldn't really move much. I smiled as I looked down at his handsome face. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping, it was one of the only times he looked peaceful. He didn't have the brooding look, or the scowl on his face.

My eyes scanned his hard jaw, his perfectly structured cheekbones. His lashes that fanned over his cheekbones. He had such pretty, long lashes, it wasn't fair.

Without thinking twice about it, I raised the hand that wasn't trapped with the rest of me and allowed my fingers to trace his plump lips.

I felt Nathan stir and the arm that was wrapped around me tightened, crushing me to his body. Not that I minded.

I smiled again, letting my thumb caress his cheek.

"You're staring at me." Nathan startled me. I couldn't even pretend that I wasn't. He could feel that I was staring at him because I was also touching him.

He just looked so peaceful, I didn't think he'd notice.

"You look so peaceful when you're sleeping, you know that?" I said. Nathan's eyes fluttered open, and his brows furrowed as he looked into my eyes and said the one sentence that could've gave me a heart attack right then and there. I was almost sure I was having a heart attack because of how hard my heart was beating.

"It's because I'm sleeping with you." He could definitely feel how hard my heart beating and my lips parted. I wanted to say something, but what did you even say to that? I wasn't used to this side of Nathan. The side that was so open about what he was thinking/feeling. He'd spent months driving me crazy trying to figure out what he was thinking or feeling.

"If it means you can be peaceful when you sleep then I'll gladly stay with you." I laid my head down on his chest, listening to the rhythm of his heart. I was almost certain his heart was beating at the same rhythm as mine, but I felt like I was imagining it.

How could our heart beats be in sync? I could listen to this sound forever, letting it lull me to sleep.

Nathan's fingers found their way into my hair and began playing with it. I didn't even try to fight the sleepiness that came over me. I did let Nathan's heart beat lull me to sleep while he played with my hair.


"Shh, be quiet. Don't wake them up!" I stirred at the sound. My brows furrowed in confusion when I heard snickering. My eyes fluttered open and I was looking at Nathan's chest still.

We had fallen asleep again, great. We had an audience, great.

I sleepily turned my gaze over to my cousin, who I recognized was the one "whispering" as she called it. Kristina couldn't whisper if her life depended on it. Next to her was an amused Isaac and Toby. Jeez, how long had we been sleeping?

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Toby greeted with a cheeky smile. I rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes.

"Good morning. What time is it?" I questioned, suddenly more aware. It wasn't the weekend. It was a freaking school day.

Kristina shrugged. "Twelve." She said, nonchalantly.

"What?!" I whisper yelled, so as not to wake Nathan, and scrambled out of his grasp. Nathan stirred a little, but he must've really been tired since he went right back to sleeping.

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