(31) New Alarm?

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hey kinky slut ;) How are you? How was your Christmas, or whatever you celebrate? New Years is almost here, and all I can say to 2018 is...bye loser. This year has felt sooooo long omfg. let's hope 2019 is better. anyway, enjoy the long ass update that took me way too long to write, I've been working on this chapter for a little over a month now. Writer's block, and school work have really slowed it down though. Here's the finished product though, not edited. I was just too excited to post it ;). Btw isn't he such a dad ^^


I first woke up when I felt his tongue sweep along my collarbone. Did I stir though? Hell no. I wanted to see what else he'd do.

Plus, this felt really good and I was afraid he would stop if he knew I was awake. I also had to bite the inside of my cheek really hard to keep from moaning when Nathan began peppering kisses from my throat, down my chest.

He took his sweet time on my naked chest, ravishing it with his mouth and I almost broke and whimpered out a moan but I kept my ground.

If only he could go lower... "Good morning, sunshine." I held my breath when I heard Nathan's raspy voice.

Fuck. I couldn't even make it past my chest, did I not even have an ounce of self-control? Not when it came to Nathan...

And his morning voice, it would be my damnation. Well that and the glorious thing he has in his pelvic area...that too, of course.

He let out a raspy laugh before he ran his tongue over one of my nipples before he took it in his mouth, and that had been my ruin on this fine morning. I gasped, not even suppressing my moan as my eyes flew open.

Way to go, Sofia, you lasted about...ten seconds.

"Fuck." I moaned out, shutting my eyes, as Nathan's hand slid down my stomach, right to my bare sex. I thrusted my hips upward when two of his digits entered me. I wanted to feel more, I was anxious now.

He had sparked something in me everytime he touched me, it was like he was igniting my skin every time he touched me.

He made me throb with need with every kiss and lick he gave me. Everytime his finger ran along my body, it left a spark in its wake and the spark was quickly igniting into a flame in my lust-filled eyes as my hands found themselves in his hair.

I felt Nathan smirk triumphantly against my nipple as he curled his fingers inside me, all the while pumping them in and out of me.

I reared my head back, arching my back, pressing my nipple more into his mouth and his free arm went under me to hold me up.

I didn't need the support, I didn't think I could even drop back down to my mattress. I needed to be even closer.

Nathan tugged at my nipple with his teeth, knowing exactly that a little bit of pain was exactly what had me flowing with juices, before he gently swirled it between his teeth.

I cried out from pleasure, beyond happy -- especially in that moment -- that I had gotten this new-found sensation.

The only other person I'd had sex with that would've had us 'exploring' was Seth, but our sex life didn't even compare to mine with Nathan.

Nathan loved challenging me, getting me to try new things, and I was more than happy to oblige. A little pain? Major yes.

"Fuck me." I breathed out, tugging at his hair harshly. His fingers left me in an instant as did his mouth from my nipple. My eyes flew open, looking at Nathan hovering over me with a smirk on his gorgeous face. God, even after waking up, he still looked gorgeous.

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