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Hey kinky slut! How are you?! Tomorrow morning I leave for Florida so I thought I'd post a chapter before I got some sleep before my semi-early flight tomorrow. I have a few more chapters ready, but idk if I'll have time to post them while in Florida, if anything I'll post 1 or 2 at night. Anyway, hope u enjoy this chapter!!
Still no Isaac in this one :/ but Nathan makes a comeback!! ;) gets steamy, just warning ya.

Also, just though i'd bless y'all with that gif😉^


"Don't leave me, aunt Sosia!" Lily's big blue eyes watered as her lip quivered. We were eye level because I was holding her in my arms and my heart broke at seeing her cry.

I didn't want to see Lily cry. I never wanted to see Lily cry. She was too cute for anyone to want to make her cry. Except, now it was me making her cry.

"Aww, please don't cry, baby. I love you so much, I promise I'll see you soon, okay?" I assured her. She sniffled.

"You pwomise?" She said in between sniffles and I smiled big as I nodded.

"I promise! We're gonna go to grandma and grandpa's house for Christmas in a month, remember?" I said to her, and her lips stopped quivering which had me releasing a relieved sigh.

"I can't wait!" She began thrusting herself in my arms and I giggled and tried to hold onto her as tight as I could without her falling.

"Okay, I think we got everything." Alyssa sounded breathless as she came down the stairs, lugging a luggage along with her. She was also leaving same time as Kristina and I Saturday morning.

The rest of the week in Miami had been really fun, Thanksgiving was also Liv's birthday so we also got to celebrate that with her.

I was thankful to have spent it with my little sister, since I never really got to see much of her anymore. At least I could see her for her birthday.

"Did you strip your closet bare coming here?" I teased and Alyssa glared at me before rubbing her belly.

I noticed it was a big habit of hers when she was pregnant. She was the only pregnant person I'd seen, so I wasn't sure it was a mother thing, or an Alyssa thing.

"Ha-ha, very funny. Yes. Lily needs a lot of clothes, you know..." Alyssa grumbled. I arched a brow.

"Sure. Jake, you good?" I peered over Alyssa's head to see poor Jake rubbing sweat off his forehead before grunting as he brought down two more huge luggages.

"Yep." Was all he said as he got back to grunting and bringing the luggages down the stairs.

"Why isn't my dad or uncle helping you?" I scrunched my nose. Jake let out a huge breath when he made it past the last step.

"I was too scared to ask," he began to walk towards the kitchen, "them two together scare me more than pregnant Alyssa." He stopped and then added, "and that's saying a lot!"

"Hey! I'm not that bad when I'm pregnant." Alyssa growled.

"Sis, you were already a control-freak Godzilla before your hormones were off the roof, imagine now..." I replied and Lily giggled at my comment.

"Who's Godzilla?" She asked innocently.

"If you get my daughter to call me Godzilla, I will rip off your perfect blonde hair and shove it down your throat." It was supposed to be a threat, but I laughed and pouted my lip.

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