(57) Still My Favorite Alarm

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I'm not a morning person. I hate mornings. The world doesn't exist before ten in the morning and/or without my coffee.

However, waking up to Nathan's head between my legs? Now that's something that can easily turn me into a morning person.

Which is exactly what I woke up to the next morning. When my eyes fluttered open and a gasp escaped my lips, Nathan's hazel eyes peered up at me and I swallowed my desire.

Did he realize just how insanely attractive he was? And how good he looked looking up at me like that? He smiled against my flesh before his tongue darted out and got back to work.

My back arched off the bed and my fingers found themselves in his hair and I tugged. The wonderful feeling started building in my belly and my core was throbbing under his tongue. I could praise this man's tongue for hours on end.

When his lips wrapped around my clit to suck, I nearly got sent over the edge. I say nearly, because the sound of my phone ringing immediately felt like a bucket of ice water was poured over me. The freaking ringtone.

"It's my mom..." I breathed. I'd set a special ring tone for her so I knew never to ignore her calls.

"Fuck, make it quick." Nathan sat up, and I reached over to grab my phone.

"Hello?" I pressed the phone to my ear, praying she didn't hear how out of breath and aroused I sounded.

"Happy birthday, sweetie!" Her voice was high in my ear and I almost tore the phone from my ear when she squealed.

"Thank you, mom," I said instead.

"I miss you so much, I can't believe my baby's getting so old." Sara Vincenti was the most sensitive, sentimental person I've ever known, and that was saying a lot since my aunt Kaela was the same exact way, and Kristina followed.

"I'm nineteen mom, I'm not that old." I fought the urge to laugh, but my heart also squeezed when I put myself in my moms shoes. Her second child was grown up now, I assumed she was going to be extra doting on Liv from now on.

And then my mom went on and on about how she remembered when I was little, and how she couldn't believe I wasn't a little girl anymore. I felt horrible when I was distracted by Nathan lowering himself again, and his hands parted my thighs wide for him.
My eyes widened and I gave him a warning look, he returned it with a mischievous one.

If he did what I thought he was going to— my back arched off the bed. Holy shit. He did it. I bit down on my lip to keep from making a sound when his tongue lapped out and licked slowly and leisurely. He wasn't trying to make me come, he was trying to freaking torture me. While I was on the phone with my mother. Oh he was going to get it when I got off the phone.

"Sofia?" What?

"Huh?" I realized my mom had asked me a question, but all I could focus on was the fact that Nathan was now also fingering me while torturing me with his tongue.

"I asked how New York is, baby, is everything okay?" Oh right.

"It's...oh my God..." I was going to kill him. He started sucking on my clit. Thankfully, my oblivious mother thought I was saying New York was "oh my god".

She chuckled into the phone. "Good, I take it? I won't keep you much longer, my baby, I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Your father got called into an emergency surgery, car crash due to black ice. That pesky black ice." Yup. And now she was going on a rant about black ice. While I was trying not to come. And I wasn't hearing a single word of it.

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