(08) Friday Night Fights

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Hey kinky slut😉, so if by now you're wondering where tf the main guy...rest assured. He's finally here. Live and in stereo (lmao 13 reasons why ... anyone...anyone? No, okay) . So the past two chapters haven't been as filler as I'd have liked them to be but like I mentioned, or maybe not I don't even have remember at this point, it's better to keep it clean and write about what I had originally imagined than to just keep on writing about nothing & making the whole thing boring...so yeah. Anyway, Enjoy the chapter!!


"Tell me again, why I'm doing this." I said with a scrunched face as I slipped my black jacket on and then pulled my hair out from it.

"Because you love me." Kristina smiled sweetly at me as she slipped on her own jacket. The weather was getting a bit cooler, nights were actually cold now. It's also been two weeks since the party and Kristina and Isaac already made me wanna barf from how obsessed they were with each other. It was charming, really. Kristina spent a lot of time over there, and she had even become friends with his roommate.

His roommate, who fights on Friday nights, apparently. Kristina had agreed to go to the fight, on the only condition that I would go too. Hell, I was surprised Kristina had even agreed.

"Again, I ask, why am I doing this?" I repeated and Kristina scoffed before she rolled her eyes.

"Because we agreed nothing solo, remember?" She said and I took a deep breath.

"That was before I had to third-wheel. We made that pact when we were both single and ready to mingle." I whined.

"Well, I mean, you being single is because you don't talk to any guys. I'm starting to think you're allergic to commitment." Kristina stated as she sat down on the ground to slip on her shoes.

"Not true." Okay, maybe a little. I just didn't wanna get hurt. If you get in a relationship, the last thing you want from that person is for them to hurt or disappoint you.

When that happens, you tend to get a little hesitant to get into another relationship. It also wasn't on my list of college do's and don'ts. Yes I had one. I liked to be organized, and I had a whole plan for myself. It was best not to stray from that, I had this plan since I was ten years old.

"Let's just go." I said as I slipped my feet into my sneakers as well. When we got to my car, Kristina's phone dinged.

"Isaac wants to know if we want to meet up with him at his place and then he can lead the way." Kristina said and I nodded.

"Sounds good, you driving with him or me?" I asked, arching a brow at already knowing the answer. Kristina scrunched her nose.

"You sure you don't just wanna take one car?" She asked. Oh, you had no idea how sure I was. If we didn't, I was almost positive that I'd end up getting stranded there since Thing 1 and Thing 2 forgot everyone but each other when they were together.

"Oh, I'm sure. I don't wanna get stuck in between you two while you try to subtly grope each other." I replied as I began the drive to Isaac's apartment, with Kristina's directions of course. I had never been to Isaac's place, hence why it was only Kristina that had met the roommate that was fighting tonight.

"We'll be good, I promise. It'd probably be a better idea for you to drive with us anyway. Isaac said these things don't usually attract good people." Kristina said and I sighed before nodding.

"Fine, I'll just leave my car at the apartment." I replied.

"Turn left." Kristina said as we neared the green stoplight and I turned on my signal before complying. "Keep going straight until the next stoplight." She added.

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