(46) New Semester

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Hi! I'm sorry, I was in Miami for the week and just came back. I was busy but hopefully I can fall back into routine now, and try to make Time between work and school to get back into writing. Love you!


"You're kinda scaring me..." Kristina stated. I looked up from my coffee, giving her a confused look.

"Scaring you? Why?" I asked, bringing the mug to lips. I brushed the blonde curtain bang from my face as I took a sip. I didn't really wear my hair up in a clip often, but I had needed to get it out of my face while I was getting ready. Part of me wanted to just leave it, and my curtain bangs framed my face anyway so it looked like I tried more than I actually did.

"Because you're...not really talking about..." I pressed my lips together as I swallowed. Did she have to bring it up? Right now?

"I've been busy. Preparing for school and all. Besides, Toby's coming today." I reminded her. Toby Harris and I had been inseparable throughout our whole childhoods, and the only reason we weren't together was because Toby was rash. He was the type to dive right into important decisions. He was impulsive, careless, everything I was not. We were yin and yang.

Toby was so impulsive, he thought he fell in love the summer after high school. He wanted to do anything to escape his religious family's judging eyes and the guy he thought he loved happened to be moving to New Jersey. July came around and Toby agreed to go and live with him. Right before me and Chelsea stopped being friends.

I had never felt more alone than I did in that moment, and it was just crazy how life comes back around. Now Chelsea had tried apologizing and Toby was coming back. Not to Sussex, but to Philly.

Everyone knew Toby had left Sussex behind, never to be seen again. He wouldn't be caught dead in that town ever again.

"Oh yeah. I still can't believe he's coming here. I remember you'd always tell me he was impulsive as hell, but I mean...transferring to UPENN?" Kristina's brows shot up.

"That's Toby for you. He's getting his own place though, so don't worry. We'll still be in the privacy of our own home." I, of course, had offered our apartment for Toby to stay at. He flat out refused. Not because he didn't want to, Toby was insecure about taking advantage. Although, I wasn't sure Toby could even take advantage of me. No one understood me like he did. If anyone knew how to make me feel better in any situation, it was him. I'd give him the world if he asked for it, he deserved it and more.

Which was why I felt like it was God's sign to send Toby here right now.

"I wouldn't have minded if he stayed with us." She gave me an annoyed look.

"I wouldn't have either, but you try telling him that." I rolled my eyes with a sigh, tipping the mug back and finishing off the rest of my coffee. "Okay. I'm out. Good luck with your classes, dinner tonight?" I set my mug in the sink.

"Of course. Libby and Ashley are coming with Lala too, don't forget." I smiled big at that. It felt strangely warm and nice to fall back into routine. I missed being here with my friends. Except I was missing one.

"Perfect. I'll see you guys and some wine, tonight. Love you." I slipped on my boots.

"Love you more." Kristina leaned on the island, crossing her arms over her chest and she had this look on her face. Like she wanted to say more. Thank god she decided against it, because I was very obviously trying to avoid whatever she was going to say.

My hand was on the knob and I turned it, opening the door. My heart dropped to the floor. The light blonde hair was all I could focus on and it took me a second to register that it wasn't Tommy I was seeing.

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