(34) Finals and Feelings

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Hi! Long time no see, stranger, how are you? It's been a little over a month, and I'm soso sorry! AP exams are finally over though, so one less thing to stress about now! I also have finals in a month, then summer so yay more writing! Anywayssss enjoy! This chapter does not contain Nathan in it :( I know, I'm sorry. I made you wait so long, but I do have a template I like to follow and this chapter is written next to help move the story along, I'm sorry I made you wait so long for it though.


"Sophiee..." I groaned at the nickname, turning over in my bed, thinking it was all in my head. It had to be. My body and mind were not aware enough to be awake, somehow I knew it was too early. Yet, I was hearing Liv's voice.

Jesus, I spent four days with my sister, and now I was hearing her call me that annoying ass nickname in my sleep.

"Come on..." I heard her voice again. That didn't seem right, it almost seemed...real. What? My eyebrows furrowed and my eyes slowly fluttered open.

They burned from being open so early in the damn morning, my room was really dark. And not just because of my blinds, at least a little light would seep in from the sides.

"Finally, you're awake. Mom wants me on the road in an hour." Liv's voice had me turning my head to the empty side of the bed she had stolen from me.

I always gravitated towards the right side of the bed, but Liv wouldn't budge the last few nights that she and I slept in my bed and I was always too tired to fight her.

It was also weird not sleeping with Nathan, but it wasn't like I wouldn't spend time with him, we couldn't stay away from each other. Even if we wanted to.

When Liv had wanted to go shopping Saturday, Kristina and Isaac took her to Philly's mall and I had gone with Nathan back to the gym. Let's just say I still fucking felt sore.

We hadn't seen TJ or Barry though, and I have a feeling that was Nathan's doing. They seemed like they were there a lot, especially with how they were built.

"So why'd you wake me up now?" I groaned and fell back on my pillow. I felt the bed dip suddenly and it sprung a little; it took my brain a minute to register that Liv had jumped on the bed.

"Because I won't see you for like two weeks after this, and I wanna eat breakfast with you. I was hoping to cut the drive shorter if I'm already full on conversation and food." I opened one eye to see her smiling down at me.

At least vaguely, my eyes were still getting used to the dark.

"Fine." I grumbled, huffing as I lifted my head from the pillow. "What time is it?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Five-thirty." Liv answered casually. What. The. Fuck?

"Are you kidding?" I whined. "Why do we have to be awake so early!" I pulled the covers off of me, and began to shiver as I heard the heat turn off, since it only worked in sessions throughout the night.

Kristina and I were usually getting our money's worth on the heating system, but now that I actually needed it to work...it didn't.

"Because I need to leave soon so my whole day isn't wasted on the road, just my morning. Get up! I want pancakes." Liv pouted her lip. I rolled my eyes.

"Great, where are you gonna get pancakes now?" I asked, knowing damn well I didn't know how to make pancakes. I hoped she wasn't expecting them from me.

"I liked those pancakes Nathan made me when we slept at his place." Liv stated.

"Well, we're at my place now, and sorry there's no personal chef here." I grumbled, opening the door to my room to go into the bathroom. Liv, of course, followed me.

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