(26) Daddy Dearest

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Hey kinky slut ;) how are you?? Me, not so good. Mostly because school starts tomorrow and I don't want it to, like at all, because I really enjoyed the summer and I didn't miss school that much. Mostly the whole waking up at 5 thing...gotta love American schools for  that one...
Anyway, enjoy the chapter!


Closing the door behind him, I didn't give Nathan a chance to even lock it, which I realize now it pretty stupid, before I jumped in his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist.

I had dropped everything in my arms on the floor, and I crashed my lips to his and smirked when he began leading us to a random desk.

I would clean it afterwards, it'd be barbaric to leave it like that.

Just plain out having sex on a random desk would be barbaric, but I couldn't help myself.

I missed feeling him and Nathan Jr.
He set me down on a desk and shrugged his jacket off, all the while not breaking the kiss.

I let out a satisfied moan when he grinded his hips against mine and gripped his shoulders, pulling him closer to me. His fingers were at the hem of my shirt, while his thumb stroked the skin underneath and I needed it to move faster. I needed him now.

I was also mentally grinning at wearing a pair of the panties Nathan had bought , since now he was trying to be more courteous and not rip any more of my underwear.

The effort was well appreciated, just not really the failed outcome.

"Nathan!" Nathan and I scrambled off of each other when the door swung open and Kristina looked frantic as she looked between me and Nathan.

"Kinda busy, Kristina." Nathan said while he wiped his mouth.

"It's Isaac, he's about to do something really stupid. Please, you're the only one who can talk to him." Kristina pleaded, and it was the first time I had begun hearing the chants of 'fight, fight, fight!'.

Nathan's brows creased as he pulled me off the desk and then practically ran out the door.

"What happened?" I asked, worried, as Kristina and I followed Nathan out.

"Someone slapped my butt and decided to be a douchebag about it and I think Isaac's about to get suspended -- or worse, expelled!" Kristina was hyperventilating as we made our way to the front seeing as the crowd parted when Nathan came through.

"Relax, dude, you can't expect to show off a hot piece of ass and not expect anyone to touch. Don't be selfish, man." Kristina and I looked at the douchebag who had said it. He was being propped up on the wall by Isaac, yet was still wearing a cocky look on his face.

The look on Isaac's face was murderous and I gripped Kristina's hand as he tightened his grip on the guy's collar.

"Isaac." Nathan was at Isaac's side and frowned at his best friend's hands.

"Nate, not now. Unless you're here to help me, I don't need you saying anything right now." Isaac said in a deadly tone. A tone that shocked me and Kristina the most.

We'd never seen Isaac like this. The chants had died down and the only thing being heard was Nathan trying to calm Isaac down.

"I am here to help you, Isaac, what the hell are you doing? Look at me, do you really think this is worth getting suspended, or expelled, for?" Nathan demanded. Isaac looked at his best friend while breathing heavily.

"Yes. I do. He disrespected my girl, and I don't care what fucking happens. I want to kill him." Isaac growled and turned his attention back to the guy who looked like he was struggling to breathe.

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