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"Bitchhhh. I don't feel like answering any BITCHES TODAY!!" I yelled, getting pissed off over nothing.


Josh Zeerka
Hey. I want to do a genius video on your new song.

Okay bet

Josh zeerka
Alright see you at 2pm Saturday?

Uh yeah let me book my flight i'll lyk details.


"I have to go to England now!" I yelled once more.

"Kay whats wrong?" My sister asked me walking in my room.

she was staying with me, for awhile, she's out of a house, and i'm trying to rebuild our relationship.

"I'm just stressed out. I have to go to England and shoot with josh. And I'll see JJ since they live together!" I yelled getting upset again.

"Calm down babes!" She yelled.

"Okay" I sighed.

"Now get on a plane. Go be with your friends and enjoy your break. You work too hard." She told me.

" alright I'll book one for tomorrow." I laughed.

"Okay get packed too!" She said walking out of my bedroom.

"She's way too hyped." I laughed.


"And here we are. Lovely London!" The flight attendant said as I laughed.

This place doesn't have it spark like it used to.

I'm just tired of being here. I prefer LA, or even Miami.

I'm only coming here because of Tobi. And to be honest that isn't even enough motivation anymore.

*at the Sidemen house*

Alright Kay. You've got this. Knock on the door and go into joshs room. That's it. You dont have to see anyone else. Wait, ima text him first.

Kay Marie 🖤
hey josh I'm here.

josh zeerka
Okay coming down now


*Door opens*

"You know you could have knocked right?" He laughed asking me.

"Well yeah, but like no one here likes me anymore so that'd be awkward." I shrugged it off.

"That's not true and we're going to film downstairs today." He told me.

Shit. That means I might see JJ. Fucking hell. I'm praying I don't.

"Don't look so stressed. Jj won't be home he is training." Josh told me as if he was reading my mind.

*after shoot*

"Alright Kay, we.. are.. DONE!" Josh yelled.

"Amazing! Well ima head off. We can hang later. what about tomorrow?" I asked him.

He just looked down like he didn't want to.

"Uhm. I'm busy?" He asked.

He fucking asked.

He asked if he was busy.

Oh I get it I'm only here when he needs something.

"fuck off dude. I'm leaving. I'm always here when y'all need shit. But the next second I'm dead to you lot." I said walking out.

"Wait Kay!" He yelled after me.

"Nah fam. I'll be back later. Give Si my keys." And with that I shot downstairs, and straight out the door.

i didn't feel like dealing with anything right now.

i need to clear my head, and the best way to do that was to go for a run.

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