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Thirty Eight


Cam's POV

After Mum left, I spent another day with the boys in LA before deciding to head back home to my little New York apartment. I got in early this morning and had a few hours to get unpacked and ready before having lunch with Lincoln.

I walked downstairs and met Lincoln.

"Hello Miss Brooks." He said smiling.

"Well hello Mr Anderson." I replied smiling.

"Seeing its such a nice day, I thought we could walk to Madison Square Park and maybe get some food from the Shake Shack." Lincoln replies.

"That sounds great." I replied as we began walking.

"So how was LA?" Lincoln asked.

"It was really good. I love LA. So what have you been up to anyway?" I asked.

"Just chilling and getting ready for the new semester." He replied smiling.

Lincoln's POV

Cam was absolutely gorgeous, even though we'd only been out twice, I really feel something for her, but I can tell behind her eyes that she's had a lot of pain in her life.

We made it to the Shake Shack, I suggested this place as I wanted to keep it low-key and not pressure Cam as I could tell she still wasn't sure.

"So what do you want?" I asked.

"I don't know." Cam replied looking at the menu.

"How about I surprise you?" I suggested.

"Alright." Cam replied unsure.

"Why don't you go grab a table?" I replied.

"Ok but here." Cam said handing me some cash.

"No, I'm paying." I replied pushing her hand away.

"No go find a nice spot to sit." I tried to say keeping a straight face but failing miserably.

"Ok." Cam replied pouting before she walked off.

I watched as Cam walked over, and sat down, she picked a table away from everything and that had the best view.

"Hi, what can I get you?"

"Can I please have two single Shack Attack Concretes, two 'Shroom burgers and two fries." I ordered.

"Sure." He replied taking the order and ringing it up as I handed him the cash.

"We'll bring it over. Here's your number." He said as I took the number and made my way over to Cam.

I sat down next to Cam.

"I hope you're hungry." I told her.

"I am." Cam replied.

Cam's POV

Lincoln and I ate lunch, I have to admit it was so good especially the concrete which was full of chocolate.

"So did I make a good choice with the food?" Lincoln asked as we finished.

"It was amazing. I have to say it's defiantly going to take a decent gym session to work off though." I replied not thinking.

"I very much doubt that you have to work hard in the gym." Lincoln replied making me blush.

"So maybe we could go on a proper date soon?" Lincoln suggested, his nervousness clear in his voice.

"I would love too but I think I should tell you something first." I replied.

"Ok." He replied.

"A while ago I lost someone, someone really close to me and I... I haven't been close to anyone since but I'm not saying I want to dive in but I'd really like that proper date... that's if you still want too." I told him, not wanting to divulge to much as I hated taking about it.

"Well Miss Brooks, we can take it as slow as you like. I would never pressure you but I will tell you I really like you Cam. There's just something about you." Lincoln replied making me smile, truthfully there was something about him too. The more time we spent together the more the butterflies and sparks grew.

"Thank you." I said reaching my hand out and grabbing his, he immediately looked down and smiled as he intertwined our fingers together.

"Are you ready to go?" Lincoln asked as I nodded.

We stood up our fingers still laced together, as I grabbed my bag, we walked through the park enjoying the sunny afternoon.

"So about that proper date, how about tomorrow night?" Lincoln asked breaking the comfortable silence.

"I'd like that." I replied smiling, the smile that I hadn't managed to wipe off my face since Lincoln picked me up.

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