132) Unheard Love

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November 20, 2018

Thomas Sangster X Reader (AU)

Thomas watched as the people on the television interacted with each other. They were all moving and talking, not that Thomas could understand since he was deaf.

Thomas was deaf ever since he was born and he also couldn't speak. His parents tried to find someone to help him with his condition, but Thomas became discouraged as the years passed. He knew that he could never be normal like everyone else.

Instead of going to school, Thomas has his own special teacher who comes at least three times a week since he didn't want to go to a normal school. He doesn't always leave the house since he doesn't exactly find any use for it. But even with his condition, his family tried to let him feel as loved as any other child could feel and that was something he's grateful for.

Thomas saw his sister arriving him from school. She greeted him with sign language which was something his family was able to learn for him. Thomas greeted back and placed his attention right back on the television.

After changing clothes, Ava sat right beside Thomas and closed the television, much to Thomas's surprise.

"Why'd you close the television?" He signed.

"The (L/N)'s are having party tonight because (Y/N)'s brother just graduated from college," she replied.

Ava was only given a confused look from his brother's face, but she saw that he tried to hide the blush from his cheeks. She knew that Thomas had always liked their neighbor's daughter, (Y/N).

"We're going," she signed and had a very determined look on her face. "Mum and dad said we would."

"I don't want to." With that, Thomas shot up from the couch and was heading to his room. That was until Ava took his wrist and stopped him.

"Just try for one night," she begged him. "You don't believe that you'll be cooped up in here forever." Thomas just walked away from his sister and locked himself up in his room.

Thomas immediately took his sketch pad and just began to start a new drawing. He was angry and upset, so he placed his emotions on the paper. Thomas never really had a doubt that he won't survive the outside world because of his talent in art and photography. He already had a few people buying his works and have enough savings to supply him for a couple of years.

Thomas found himself drawing a familiar girl that he's been crushing on for years. In the drawing, she was standing on her front yard. She was wearing a brown turtleneck and she was holding her books, clearly just coming home from school. She had a small smile on her face, but her eyes were always wandering. Her eyes always shows that she's thinking of something else.

He's always wanted to talk to her. To be able to make a conversation with her. It's so amusing how people take talking and hearing for granted when he can't do it. He hasn't ever really interacted with the girl since she's busy with her life and he's always cooped up inside. Besides, there was never any reason why they should talk.

The reason why Thomas liked her was because she always greeted him with a smile. When she'd see him, she'd smile her million dollar smile and wave at him. Thomas always gets flustered whenever she does, but he tries to muster up the courage to smile and wave back.

Thomas looked out of his window and saw (Y/N) outside, as well as his sister. He saw them talking with each other and even shared a laugh or two. He felt jealous because his sister could easily make a conversation with her. Because she could hear her voice. She could hear her laugh.

So that he won't be able to see the heart wrenching sight, Thomas closed his curtains. He placed away his sketch pad and lied on his bed with his eyes on the ceiling. He opened his mouth and tried to muster all the sound he could in his body. He knew that there was sound coming out of him. He could feel the vibrations in his chest. But still, he couldn't hear anything.

With a sigh, Thomas stopped and closed his eyes. He had no idea what to do, so he just drifted off to sleep.







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now