45) No Emotions - Part 4

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Thomas Sangster X Reader

(Y/N)'s POV


Electricity shocked my body.

My eyes shot open.

"She's alive!"

I looked around and saw that I was in a hospital room. There were doctors and nurses around me, looking at me with concern. I recognized their faces.

"(Y/N)!" I heard my name being called.

I turned and saw a familiar lady. My mind registered her as Dr. Sandra.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"You were in a car accident and you hit your head. You've been in a coma for three months," Dr. Sandra explained.

Three months?

That's how long I've been asleep.

It was then a memory came and hit me like a ton of bricks. It was of Oliver and I.

I was dead. No, I was dying but I came back for Thomas.


"Where's Thomas?" I asked.

"He's outside," Dr. Sandra told me.

She looked like she wanted to tell me a lot of things but then she stopped and looked at the nurses and doctors in the room. She motioned for them to leave and they did. She also told them to go look for Thomas and to tell him that I'm awake. When we were alone, she gently stroked my hair and hugged me tightly.

"We missed you here in the hospital," she said as she pulled away. "But we're not the only ones who did."

"Thomas," she continued. "He kept on asking for you and visited you everyday when he was released from the hospital. He would always talk with you and wish that you would wake up. He knows almost everyone here and has made a lot of friends here," she chuckled. "He cares for you a lot, you know."

I nodded and butterflies bursted in my stomach.

No one has ever cared that much for me before.

"You know that he's the reason why I woke up?" I told her with a smile.

"What do you mean by that?"

"In all of those three months, I was with Oliver," I started. I know that I might sound crazy but I want to tell her. "We had a great time catching up but just a few hours ago, he told me that I should go back here. Because someone else can love me better than him."

"Thomas," she said.

"Yes," I nodded.

"I'll ask someone to look for him. When I come back, tell me everything."

"I will," I promised her.

When she left the door, I felt incredibly nervous. I would be seeing Thomas again and I'll be talking with him. I have no idea what I'll say to him when he comes out from that door.

Will I tell him that I love him?

Love is a strong word (Y/N) and it shouldn't be used lightly.

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant