116) Stand Your Ground

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A/N: This imagine was requested by @newt_oneD_pan_malfoy.  I hope you like it.

Things are going to be quite different here. I won't follow James' storyline.

Thanks for the 47,700+ reads!

Newt X Ana

All Ana could hear were the rattling of the metal box that she was in. She felt suffocated. She felt trapped. She could feel the cold metal on her fingertips. Her throat ached because she was screaming for what felt like an hour.

It was then a bright light blinded Ana's eyes. She covered her eyes and with her arm. Then when she was able to adjust to the light, she looked around and saw that she was surrounded by a bunch of raggedy boys.

She felt herself being hoisted up from the metal box by a few of the boys.

"Get your hands off me!! Let go of me!!" She yelled. She could feel hands on her wrist and her shoulders. She tried to wriggle out of their grasp but they wouldn't let her go.

"Let go of her!!"

Ana turned her head and saw a boy with jet black hair. The boys let her go and made a path for the boy who was heading over to them.

"I'm Nick. The leader here in the Glade."

(A/N: He was the leader in the Glade before Alby. You'll know this if you've read the books.)

"Glade?" Ana sounded skeptical. "Is this what you call yourselves? This gang?"

Nick smiled. "No. This isn't a gang. I'll explain to you everything. But tell me your name first."



Ana has been in the Glade for only a week but things weren't going very well for her. Everyone's looking at her skeptically and avoid her like she's a disease. She doesn't exactly have a lot of close friends. She would talk with Frypan sometimes and Nick. They're the only ones who don't avoid her like a plague.

The reason why she doesn't have any close friend in the Glade is because of Gally. No matter how hard Nick tried, he couldn't keep Gally in check. Gally has been skeptical every since Ana got inside the Glade. Not that she could blame him, she's the very first girl in the Glade. He's been spreading rumors around that she was a spy sent from WICKED to turn the boys against each other and to ruin the system that they made.

Even if the boys interjected, Ana still had a job but they made her a Slopper.

Every night, she would take her sleeping bag and would sleep far away from the boys. She would go to the far part of the woods and sleep there by herself. With all the boys huddled together, their body heat keeps them warm for the night. But since Ana was all alone, she was freezing in her sleeping bag.

Ana watched as the Runners came back inside the Maze. Ana has concluded in her head that the Runners were like the jocks in the school. She didn't have any idea how she remembered that though.

Then she saw Newt, the Gladers say that he has this injury in his leg but that won't stop him from running. She admired him for that. He seemed to have earned the respect of the Gladers. She somehow dreamed that she could talk to him and they could be friends. Perhaps because of it, the other Gladers would respect her too.

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now