48) SPECIAL III: One Reason To Stay

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Robbie Kay X Thomas Sangster X Peter Pan X Newt X Reader

Newt's POV

Dear Newt,

I'm just here to thank you for being such a good friend. You were there for me when I needed you to be and I'm sorry for doing this to you.

But just know this Newt that none of this is your fault.

You're the only good thing that was here in my life.

You couldn't stop what's going to happen because it is meant to happen.

I'm sorry and thank you for being a wonderful friend.



Holding the letter in my hands, I drove from my house towards (Y/N)'s. I knew what she was going to since I was going to do it once.

No. I can't let her do this.

Not just because of some stupid boys who broke her heart.

I pulled up to her house and it was locked. I barged in and didn't care of the consequences that I'll face for doing it be has right now, I'm saving a life.

I ran and searched every room. I screamed her name but it was silent. I searched for her and found her in the bathroom.

The bathroom with the tub where (Y/N) was laying unconscious.

With my hands shaking, I called 911 and told them to send an ambulance.

I tried to calm myself down for I know that I was going to go through shock.

Not yet Newt. Not yet. You need to help her.

Looking through the medicine cabinets, I saw bandages. I took (Y/N)'s wrists and put pressure on both of them. So that no more blood will fall.

My eyes were misting as I looked at her half dead body.

Please don't die on me (Y/N). Please no.

It was then I remembered the first time I saw her.


She was the new girl in school but she always hung around Robbie. I've learned that they were good friends ever since they were kids.

I was mesmerized by her beauty the first time I saw her. She was so innocent, so sweet and fragile.

I wanted to talk to her. I really did but I was just shy.

She was actually the one who talked to me first.

Robbie was absent since I guess he was sick and (Y/N) had no one to talk to. We would also meet a few times in school and she'd smile at me and I'd shyly smile at her.

"Do you mind if I sit with you?" She asked me one day.

"Yeah sure."

I was the only one on the table since Thomas was off somewhere. He said that he was going through some things. Things that I wouldn't understand. He also said that he was a little confused. I offered to help him but he wouldn't tell me what it's all about.

I was really glad that I had her for company.

Thomas was my only friend. He was the only one who didn't avoid me like the plague.

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora