125) Blind In So Many Ways

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A/N: This is an imagine based off of this original book series I've been working on.

Peter X Reader (Ardyn AU)

The Protectors were a group of specially trained Lephins who were assigned to protect the Lephin Kingdom and, if needed, the land of Ardyn. Protectors were all trained at a young age and those who are seen with the gift of leadership are given a different type of training. Then when they have proven themselves to be worthy of having their own team, they will pick the other Protectors-in-training who could be part of their team. Then that said team would undergo a different type of training.

Even if the Selephins have currently won the war between the Lephins, these Protectors who are in hiding are still growing their group in hopes of being called into battle again by the Lephin King or Queen. For now, they would help anyone they could, but in a way that they would still remain secret.

Peter was now with his team helping this newcomer who doesn't look like a newcomer, find her mother. This newcomer, Anya, and her friend, Alex, had bumped into his group as they were headed back to their hideout after escaping a giant.

Lephins were known for their purple colored eyes and Anya certainly had the same shade as his and his friends. It wasn't just that, Peter also noticed that Anya also has healing powers that some special Lephins, mainly the Royal Family, has and while they were running away from a giant, she has driven it unconscious from the magic that she let out. That was enough proof for Peter that she was a Lephin.

Although, Peter doesn't know if he could say the same for the girl's friend. Alex seemed as if he was also something different and magical, but he couldn't pinpoint what type of creature he is.

Anya has requested their help to find her mother who she says were captured by Selephins. They were reluctant at first, but they finally conceded; but not all of them. Reyna, Peter's Second-In-Command, still didn't feel as if they could trust Anya and Alex. But she was outnumbered, so she conceded as well.

(Y/N) was the tracker in Peter's group. She was the best tracker that he's ever known, despite her disability. She's blind, but she wasn't born blind. The Selephins had kidnapped all the Lephin children years ago and tried to turn them into like them, some were saved while some weren't.

(Y/N) and Peter were some of the ones saved, but both have been given some disabilities. (Y/N) has lost her sight, but Peter's was a secret; a dark secret that not even he knows.

It was now twilight and everyone but Peter was asleep. He was deep in his thoughts since helping Anya find her mother was a risk. A risk for him, his team, and the Protectors. The only reason why he decided to help was because of (Y/N). She said that she believed Anya and that was enough for Peter. He trusted her judgement and would've made her Second-In-Command if it wasn't the Protector's disapproval with his choice and made him choose another.

"Can't sleep can you?"

Peter jumped at the sound of (Y/N)'s voice. It seemed silly that he was the one being sneaked up on by a blind person.

"No, I can't," he admitted.

(Y/N) sat right beside him and made herself comfortable. "I'm sorry," she apologized.

"What for?"

"Forcing you to help the poor girl. But even if I'm blind, I can see something that none of you couldn't. I can't explain what it is, but it is something really great and powerful."

"What about her friend?" He asked.

"He's a puzzle for me. Like there's a battle within him. Sort of the same thing I could sense with you, but I can't make it out."

"How do you know these things? How can you see more than any one of us could?"

"Simply with logic and everything I've learned," she shrugged. "Even if I've lost my eyes, doesn't mean I'm a lost cause."

"I know that," Peter smiled. "Whole reason why I chose you to be part of my team."

(Y/N) hummed in response. "Do I need to get you to sleep? Nothing but just a simple spell."

"No," he shook his head, "save your strength and magic for tomorrow. Go to sleep. I'll follow you in a few seconds."

"Okay," she nodded.

Peter watched as she walked away. He never told anyone this, but he felt something for the girl. He kept it a secret since the feeling felt wrong yet right at the same time. He felt as if he was going against nature on loving her, yet he also feels as if he's also going with the flow of nature.

Peter never thought of (Y/N)'s blindness as a disability since he thinks that she's the best one in the group, other than him. She might be blind, but she's brilliant. But Peter feels as if she's blind in more ways than one. Because even if she says she sees everything, there's one thing she couldn't see and that's his feelings for her.







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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