32) The Start Of Something New: The Vacation - Part 1

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Thomas Sangster X Reader

Short A/N: This was requested by Electric-Hope

I hope that this is what you HOPED for. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 No? Anyone?

(Y/N)'s POV

First day of vacation.

I still can't stop smiling that Thomas and I went out for ice cream yesterday. He was so sweet and I saw concern in his eyes ever since he saw me crying in the rain. At first, I was embarrassed and thought that he might not want to be friends anymore but he proved me wrong yesterday.

The vacation was that we were going to an island owned by Thomas's aunt and his cousins by his mother's side. I was excited on having an entire island all to myself, sort of but the idea is still there. We were supposed to stay there for four days and three nights.

I was so excited when my family and his were on the boat but Thomas just had a bored look on his face. We were sitting beside each other and I nudged him since he seemed to be thinking of something. Our parents were too busy talking, as always, to notice this.

"Hey," I said with a smile on my face. "Are you alright? Aren't you excited to see your three cousins? You wouldn't stop talking about them yesterday and now you look so mopey."

A smile formed on his face and as I waited for his reply, I was thinking about how I'm going to be the only teenage girl there. All of Thomas's cousins were boys and Ava couldn't go because of school. I'm so glad that I have Thomas to talk to, or else I'll look like a loner. Thomas also told me that his Aunt never got married but she adopted three kids and gave them a home. She now counts them as her sons, I found that really sweet.

"I am. I haven't seen them for months but I don't feel the excitement that I felt when I was younger anymore. My family and I always visit them about three times a year. Also my cousins won't always be there, they still have school."

"Everyday, they drive a boat so that they could go to school?"

"Yeah. It's fun especially when Dylan does it."

"Can I join? When you guys go for a ride?"

"Sure but you better be ready to get wet," Thomas had a mischievous look on his face and I couldn't help but laugh at how cute his face looked.

The boat stopped and Thomas held my hand, helping me off the boat. I saw that my mom and his saw the cute gesture and started giggling like teenagers. When he let go of my hand, he walked towards his dad and mine who were at the very front. I was just in the back, admiring the scenery in front me. My eyes then landed on Thomas, more specifically his hands. He seemed to stretched his hand that he used to hold mine and subtly shook them.

For years I've dreamt on holding his hand. Wondering how it felt, if they were soft, or cold and other things. I couldn't believe that my questions were answered today. I felt myself blushing and I hope that it isn't noticable. Butterflies flew in my stomach and at first I liked the feeling but then I remembered when I used to feel the around Robbie. I warned myself to not fall that hard for Thomas because I might just get my heart broken.

We were picked up by Thomas's aunt who was driving a pickup truck. She was a nice lady and she wanted me to call her Aunt Joan, how Thomas calls her. Since the car was a pickup and there were six of us, seven if you count Aunt Joan, two people would need to be outside. I immediately volunteered to sit outside, despite the scorching sun. Thomas also volunteered to be outside and we sat together as the car moved.

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now