63) Blind Date

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A/N: I've just started reading The Death Cure. GUYS! Someone hold me cause the roller coaster's starting and I know that this is going to be bad!

On a different note: I am going to write those Robbie Kay imagines that I said I will. As I said, I'm just focusing on Newt since his day is near.

Newt X Reader (AU)

"(Y/N) I'm breaking up with you."

Those words kept on ringing in (Y/N)'s head when she saw Newt. She was just out in the mall until she saw him. It was about a year since they last talked. Since Newt broke up with her and they didn't talk to each other anymore. She tried to avoid him by putting on her earphones and pretending that she didn't see him.

"(Y/N) is that you?"

Oh shuck no.

"Newt," she gave him a tight smile.

"Hey," he gave her a smile.

(Y/N) remembered when they would talk without a care in the world. As if they could share each other's secrets and they could tell each other anything. Like every tiny little detail but now, it's nothing. It's awkward between the both of them now and (Y/N) hated that.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him. She knew that Newt wasn't the type of guy to go in a mall just because he wanted 'hang.' He must really need to buy something or had something to do to go here.

"Just meeting up with my friends."

"Ah," (Y/N) nodded.

"How about you?" He asked her.

"I'm just going to meet up with my friends too. They're forcing me to go on this blind date and also forcing me to buy a dress for it," she told him. Somehow, it felt good telling Newt all about the blind date her friends were setting her up on. "How about you Newt?" She asked him. "How are things with you and Sonya?"

"Oh," he said, he seemed pretty uncomfortable. "Well, we broke up."

"Oh," (Y/N) then felt sad for Newt and Sonya.

Although she was mad that Newt left her for Sonya, she had no anger towards her since it just showed that Newt's heart has moved to someone else.

"I'm sorry for asking that," she said.

"It's alright. We've moved on. She's with one of my friends now," he told her.

"Isn't that against that bro code or something?"

Newt shrugged. "I didn't really mind. We both ended the relationship."

(Y/N) nodded. She had no idea what to do or say now.

"Well," she said. "It's good seeing you again Newt. I'd better go."

"It's good seeing you too," Newt said. "Bye," he said then (Y/N) left.

Newt didn't move from his spot while (Y/N) was leaving. He watched as she disappeared into the crowd like he used to do before. He sighed sadly when she was gone from his sight. The truth was that Sonya and Newt broke up since the both of them didn't feel anything for each other anymore. Sonya liked someone else while Newt still obviously had feelings for (Y/N).

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now