43) No Emotions - Part 2

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Thomas Sangster X Reader

(Y/N)'s POV

I was walking down the hospital hallways excited to see my favorite patient, Oliver. He was very sweet and with the way he flirted with me and charmed me with that dazzling smile, I couldn't help but fall for him. The both of us dated inside his room. I know that to others it seemed silly but it was sweet of him to ask the doctors and nurses to set up a fancy date inside his room. We have been doing this for two months. He was in the hospital because of a car accident which was a lot like Thomas's situation. I was his doctor and I was very glad that fate has brought us together.

Just last night, I told him that he can be released from the hospital today. The smile on his face when I told him was like looking at a child who's gotten the best gift in the world. I was expecting him to be awake when I got to his room but he was still asleep. I gently kissed his forehead and smiled at his sleeping state. That was until my hand went to his chest and didn't feel any heartbeat. I took my stethoscope and heard nothing.

I panicked.

For the first time in my career, I panicked. I didn't want to do the procedure or do a double check because I was scared of facing the truth. My friends understood and covered for me while I was in the break room crying like a wimp, hoping that it'll all be alright. That my Oliver was fine.

But he wasn't.

My friends told me that he died that night while he was sleeping. I blamed myself because I should've known if there was something wrong with him. I was his doctor. I was the top of my class. I was the best. I should've known this! My friends told me not to blame myself but I couldn't help it.

His memory still lingers inside my mind. His eyes. His laugh. His smile. Everything about him haunts me until this very day.

This is why I don't get too attached with my patients. Sure I befriend and get to know them but I don't get that close.


I open my eyes and felt my wet pillow. I must've been crying in my sleep. It's been a long time since that has happened.

Let me go.

I turned around to see who it was. Or who could be in my house. I could've sworn that I've heard Oliver's voice but it might've been my imagination. I just shrugged off the thought and prepared for my day in the hospital.

While I was on my way driving, my thoughts were on Mr. Sangster and the way I felt when he looked at me. My question last night also lingered in my mind. I was right with good night's sleep about refreshing my mind since my mind is made up, all unnecessary feelings should be forgotten. Mr. Sangster is just a patient who is in need of help. Then when he's cured, he'll go and forget about me.

For the entire week, I didn't say an extra word to Mr. Sangster. I just said what I needed to say and asked what I needed to ask.

Thomas's POV

She ignored me.

For the entire week, I felt like she just ignored me. I thought that everything was going well with the way we talked on the first day. She seemed like a fun girl but then she changed the next day. I thought that she was mad at me but whenever she would take some blood me, she was very gentle. Whenever she touches me, I felt nervous. I also have that feeling whenever she's near. But I liked the feeling so I'm also excited when she's coming to see me.

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt