124) Never Loved You That Way - Part 2

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A/N: Can't I end with a sad ending for once? I'm just joking. Thus imagine was requested by @jorzreadz and @Brodie-Sangster13.

But I can't promise a happy ending.

Thank you so much for the 65,400+ reads!

I've started watching Doctor Who the other day, already ten episodes in. Don't worry, I didn't skip Nine. He's really charming. Sad that he won't last long though.

I've finished watching all Sherlock episodes AHHHHHHHHHHH (BUT IVE JUST BOUGHT ALL THE BOOKS!! They're so beautiful!)

Peter Pan X Reader

Three years later...

When Cora and (Y/N) died, there was some peace in Storybrooke but there's always trouble coming there. Soon enough, Regina and Emma needed more help and someone more reliable than Rumplestiltskin.

At first, having Peter for help sounded like a pretty preposterous idea to everyone. But they needed help and Peter has proven himself to be trustworthy. He said that he was now fighting for what (Y/N) believed in. She believed that he wasn't a monster and that he could be something more; something better.

Now, he was with Rumplestiltskin, Emma, Henry, the Charmings, Robin, and Regina as they went to the Underworld to save Hook. Peter felt really anxious as they got closer to the Underworld, it would mean that he could see (Y/N) again. Three years, he will never be over her death but he did find someone. Someone who helped him move on.

Wendy Darling.

Wendy wanted to tag along and help with finding Hook, but Peter didn't want her to come. He didn't want her to get in any trouble. Wendy was trusting and understanding. She didn't look at it as a way for Peter to be back with (Y/N). She knew that Peter needed to face (Y/N) on his own.

When they reached the Underworld, everyone was shocked when it looked like Storybrooke. It wasn't what either one of them have expected.

"It's so red," Emma voiced out.

"Thank you for that obvious deduction," Rumplestiltskin said sarcastically.

"We'll split up. We already know the town," Regina said before it gets ugly. "I'll be with Robin, the Charmings will be together, Emma will be with Rumplestiltskin, and Henry will be with Peter."

Everyone nodded and agreed.

It was quite weird before for Henry and Peter because Peter did try to kill Henry, but it wasn't weird now. Just like Snow and Regina, Henry and Peter are really good friends now.

When everyone was already looking for clues on where to find Hook, Henry and Peter were left alone in the middle of the street.

"I know that everyone's searching for Hook, but I just want to find my dad. Could we do that?" Henry asked Peter.

"Sure," he nodded, "with all that lot, they could find Hook. I also want to look for someone."

"You want to see (Y/N) again?'

"Yeah. But let's look for your father first."


Both Henry and Peter went to the Underworld's version of Granny's. Henry asked around and saw the key and room that Neal used to stay in. He showed it to Emma and told her that he was looking for him. But Emma told him that he was now in a better place. That he has moved on.

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