13) The Start Of Something New

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Thomas Sangster X Reader featuring Robbie Kay (AU)

(Y/N)'s POV

As I was just standing there beside my locker waiting for the bell to ring, I saw Thomas by his locker and he seemed to be engrossed in a game. I've gotten a crush on Thomas ever since we were kids. Our families are good friends and I've always wanted to be friends with him but I always felt shy around him and he's always with a gadget.

When puberty hit him, a lot of girls have been head over heels for him. I try to stop myself from hitting each and every one of them and tell them that I liked him first. But everyday, I feel like my chances with him are slipping. He's seventeen and I'm just fourteen. We don't really talk and I blame myself for that. The bell finally rang and I went to my first class.

I was really mopey when it was second period and my best friend seemed to have noticed that. She knows that it was because of Thomas.

"You should've made a move when you were younger," she told me.

"Yeah but remember that time I made a move on Robbie?"

Robbie was my most recent crush or should I say, distraction. He was four years older than I. We became good friends and I felt myself being drawn towards him. I really liked Robbie but I thought that he liked me too. But when I was stalking him, I saw him post a picture with a girl and there he wrote, My Girl.

I asked my best friend to ask him who that girl was and it was it his girlfriend. I felt myself crumble and the worst part about that is that he knew about my crush about him. I actually made a move on him by giving him a flower and writing my feelings for him but I didn't write that it was from me. But Robbie was smart, he got to pick up the pieces and found out that I was the one who gave the flower and the one who really wanted to know who that girl was.

"This is different. He has a girlfriend and you didn't know." I smiled at her. She always knows what to say.


While (Y/B/F/N) and I were at the cafeteria eating with our other friends. I can't help but stare at Thomas. He's all alone again and he isn't even eating. I really want to go to him and talk.

"Go to him," (Y/B/F/N) told me.

"I don't know."

"Girl come on do it. Your family and his are going one a vacation together next week and this could be your chance to be friends. You've been given a lot of chances and you're blowing each and every one of them."

I sighed and just continued staring at him. My eyes then landed on Robbie who was staring at me. I really hate that we  are so awkward now because of me. My eyes then went back to Thomas. I told Robbie that I don't have a crush on him but that letter tells other wise. I need to show him that I've moved on. He doesn't really want anyone to have a crush on him since he only wants his girlfriend to only have a crush on him which I found sweet.

I was shocked when I felt this strong string of confidence. I stood up with my tray and went towards Thomas' table. When I was near, I wanted to go back but the thought of Robbie got me to keep on moving forward. I sat beside him and I can feel people staring at me.

"Hi," I said with a small smile. He looked at me and I instantly felt scared. He looks at me, not saying anything.

"Hi," he replied. "No."

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin