112) SPECIAL XV: Protector - Part 5

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Robbie Kay X Thomas Sangster X Peter Pan X Newt X Reader

After that night, (Y/N) and Peter got closer than ever. (Y/N) got away with his father's death and even if Peter was sad that his father died, his hatred didn't let him feel any sadness for him at all.

Peter thought that he and (Y/N) could be happy. They share a different type of love for each other, but it was still love.

But that was until the following week when Newt, Thomas, and Robbie went to Peter and told him what they knew. The three of them cornered him when he was alone and brought him to an empty classroom.

"Robbie, Thomas, Newt," he looked at each one of them. "What is this?"

"We know what really happened with your father," Thomas spoke up.

"What are you talking about?" Peter pretended to be innocent.

"You know what it is!" Newt hissed. "(Y/N) wasn't as pure and innocent as we thought!"

"So?" Peter raised his voice. "You have no proof of it and people believed that my dad killed himself. Why did you even bring all this up after a week? Everything was already settled and the funeral is over."

Suddenly, the door opened and (Y/N) walked inside. The three boys looked at her with fearful eyes when she entered the room. It was obvious with her carefree expression that she had no idea what they were talking about. That they were talking about her.

"Peter, I was looking for you," she entwined both their fingers together.

"Why?" He looked at her, confused.

"I have something I wanted to discuss with you." Her eyes landed on the three other boys in the room. "Hey guys," she smiled. "We haven't seen each other all week. It's almost like you're avoiding me," she let out a laugh.

Peter's eyes widened because he knew that the boys are in deep trouble if she finds out they know. "Let's go," he pulled her hand.


When they got out of the room, (Y/N) and Peter walked into the forest. She led him to a place that was just near his house. They were silent as they walked and never let go of each other's hands. When they finally stopped, that was when they started to talk again.

"What did you want to talk about?" Peter finally asked.

"My final plan."

"What plan is that?"

"I'm going to blow up the school tonight at the school prom."

"I'm sorry what?"

(Y/N) explained to Peter that their school was filled with children who were damaged and tainted. They don't understand neither one of them. (Y/N) was an outcast if it wasn't for Thomas, Robbie, and Newt who have started to avoid her.

Whilst Peter was known as this bad boy along with Devin and Felix, who have mysteriously disappeared after spreading the rumor that (Y/N) slept with the both of them the other night. Peter knew what (Y/N) did to them. He wanted to stop her but he was blinded with his anger that they spread this rumor about the girl that he loved. They regretted spreading it when they knew that both (Y/N) and Peter were together, but they couldn't take back the words they let go.

"There are a lot of students who'll die. Families will be broken and devastated! Are you sure that this is the best idea?"

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя