114) Never Forget

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A/N: This imagine was inspired by a movie entitled Estranged. I was just switching channels and then I saw it, it stars Merida from OUAT. She's the only reason why I continued to watch it even if I wasn't able to start it.

It's really interesting, but keep in mind I was just inspired. This movie is nowhere close to the imagine that you're about to read.

I also added Never Forget sung by Michelle Pfeiffer and it's the song on Murder on the Orient Express (2017). It felt as if it's perfect for the imagine.

Thomas X Reader (AU)

(Y/N) stared at the huge white house right in front of her. Calling it a house was an understatement, it was practically a mansion. Thomas picked out the house when they got married. It was one of the houses that he's inherited from his family. He chose this one since he loved the location.

Despite its humongous size, (Y/N) loved it. She felt as if she was part of a fairytale. It was really a wonderful place to try and raise children. They've been married for almost a year and are currently talking about having a baby.

They thought that it would be a good idea to start a family now. They've made themselves comfortable in their new house, have gotten really used to the married life. Time to go to the next level.

(Y/N) just got back from taking her usual morning walk out into their huge garden, which is a lot of meters long, and the woods. She would go out and enjoy the cool morning air and perhaps read a book or just write under a tree.

She went inside the house and saw Kaya, the head of the household, running towards her. Her hair was a mess and her breathes were in pants.

"Kaya what's wrong?" (Y/N) asked. "I'll get you some water."

"No, miss," she grasped (Y/N)'s wrist. "It's Sir Thomas."

"What's wrong with Thomas?"

"He's been in an accident. The hospital called the family."

Without staying for another word, (Y/N) left the house and ran over to the garage where the driver, Dylan, was. When he saw her go inside the car, he went inside as well.

"Where are we going miss?"

"The hospital."


A week later, Thomas came back home from the hospital. He was caught in a car accident where he hit his head. He has forgotten a few parts of his past, but they came back to him in time.

But one thing that he couldn't entirely remember is (Y/N).

He remembered the days when he and (Y/N) were good friends. But he couldn't entirely remember when he and her started dating and when they got married.

The memory of when she first visited Thomas was seared in her mind. She came inside, not minding the doctor who was talking. She leaned in to give Thomas a kiss on the lips but he pushed her away. He looked at her as if she shouldn't be doing what she was about to do. That was when the doctor explained once again Thomas's condition.

It broke her heart learning that he's forgotten all about the both of them dating and getting married. She knew that she had to watch her actions with him. When she told Thomas that she was his wife, he was quite shocked but he accepted it. So now, he and her are back in their mansion.

Thomas was greeted warmly by the servants who have missed him. He remembered some of them while he had trouble remembering others. But there were also some who Thomas remembered after a while.

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now