80) Pan's Songbird

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A/N: Thank you for 14,400+ reads! I just love the support you guys give me! I'll try to do my best in this another Peter Pan imagine.

Peter Pan X Reader

Peter was on his thinking tree, taking in the view of his kingdom which is Neverland. The Lost Boys were either training or hunting some food. His second-in-command, Felix, was with them, taking charge as Peter was enjoying his time alone. As he took in a deep breath, his ears perked up with the sound of a beautiful voice. The voice sounded very beautiful and hypnotizing, almost just like Peter's flute. The voice was singing a melodic tone of a language that Peter didn't understand.

Peter went to the camp and saw that the Lost Boys also stopped what they were doing to listen to that beautiful voice. Their attention was only taken back when Peter showed up out of nowhere.

"You boys hear that too?" Peter asked and the boys nodded.

"Well, now I have a new game," Peter smirked. The Lost Boys listened intently at the new game that Peter has for them. "I want you to capture whoever or whatever is making that music and bring it to me. Let's play."

Peter watched as the boys went into separate groups and ran into the woods. Peter didn't move and just continued to listen to the melody. He closed his eyes and let the music run inside of him. He found it so enchanting, so mesmerizing, that he wanted it to be his. When his Lost Boys have found it, he won't ever let that thing go. After a few minutes, the music stopped making Peter open his eyes.

Now, he can only hear the hollers and shouts of the Lost Boys who seem to be successful in their game. He could also hear the screams and cries of a girl. The Lost Boys came in sight and threw the girl in the net in front of Peter, making her groan in pain.

"Nice job," Peter smirked. "Now what have we got here?" He squatted down to her level. His green eyes boring into hers.

"It was a challenge to get her," Felix spoke up. "Girl's a siren."

Peter smiled and walked up to the Lost Boys. "I'm glad that my training has helped in catching," he turned to her. "A creature like this."

"This creature has a name," the girl said sassily.

"Ooh," Peter chuckled deeply. "You've got fire. Good for you, I like fire," he smirked. Peter's gaze then left her face covered by the net and into her legs-


"What kind of a siren are you with legs?" Peter wondered.

"I'm not a siren," she snapped. "If I were, then those hooligans wouldn't have been able to catch me that easily." Peter rolled his eyes at Felix. "I'm a mermaid and for your information, there's a few hours that the sea goddess, Ursula, gives us to be able to have legs," she huffed. "Now if any of you would explain to me why I'm in this net and was captured against my will."

Peter smirked once again making the girl roll her eyes. "It's because I wanted to. When I want something, I get it. Alright darling?"

"Like a five year old," she drawled. "What do you even want me for?"

"Your voice. Your beautiful, beautiful voice."

"You heard me singing?"

"Everyone heard you. Right boys?" The girl saw everyone nod. "By the way, I'd like to know the name of our songbird."

"I'm not your songbird and its (Y/N). Who are you?"

"It's Peter Pan and now, you're mine darling."

Peter's eyes bore once again boring into (Y/N). Of course, he saw fear in them which amused him but he found himself getting lost in her eyes. He looked away from her before he could get farther into her eyes.

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now