79) Only You

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A/N: Since I haven't written a Peter Pan imagine in a while, I'm going to be bombarding you shanks with Peter Pan imagines now. Since my old Peter Pan imagines were quite dramatic, I'll tone down the drama a little. I just like dramatic imagines since there's just too many fluff imagines and about depression and stuff. I'm not saying anything wrong about that but I want to give you guys something different.

Peter Pan X Reader

(Y/N) ran as fast as she can, away from the camp. She could hear the footsteps of the Lost Boys right behind her. She's been here long enough to know their tricks but the downside is that they also know hers. (Y/N) was able to hide on top of a really dark tree. She knows that the Lost Boys won't be able to find her but Peter will. Peter always finds her.

(Y/N) and Peter have been together for about a long time now, but this was the first time she experienced Peter being mad at her. She knew that Peter was strict with the Lost Boys, but when it comes to her, he'll change into sweet boy. But this time, he isn't sweet. (Y/N) understood and wouldn't blame Peter for getting mad at her but she's just running so that he could cool off. She thought that maybe some time apart would be able to help with that.

The thing is that Slighty, one of the Lost Boys, was being punished by Peter since he thought that he was hitting on (Y/N). The truth is that he was, (Y/N) was just too oblivious to notice. (Y/N) tried to reason with Peter to let Devon go but he wouldn't budge. So (Y/N) let Devon go, hours early from the time that Peter has planned to. Peter found out and threw a knife at (Y/N) in anger and jealousy when he brought her to his treehouse. It gave her a cut on her cheek and this was the first time that she saw Peter with a dark look in her eyes. Listening to her instincts, she ran.

(Y/N)'s heart was racing as she tried to keep herself steady on top of the tree. She's never faced Peter's wrath before. She has no idea what he'll do to her. But whatever it'll be, she'll take it because she knew that she deserved it. (Y/N) saw some of the Lost Boys run past the tree that she was hiding in. She made sure that she was well hidden within the leaves.

A couple of hours passed and (Y/N) wondered why no one has found her yet. By no one, she means Peter Pan. Is it because he's too angry with her to find her? Or it's just that he doesn't want to see her? (Y/N) stiffed when she heard footsteps once again. She clung on the bark of the tree and covered her mouth so that her loud breathing won't be heard.

"(Y/N)!" She heard someone call out to her.

(Y/N) hoped that it was Peter but it was just Slightly. She had no idea if she was going to trust Slightly. He might be working with Peter to help find her or he could be trying to help her.

"It's me Slightly! Come back! Peter's worried sick about you!"

Peter worried? He knows where I am.

"Alright maybe that's a stretch but Peter is just being too hard on the Lost Boys now. We need you to calm him down."

(Y/N) didn't reply. She didn't think that she can calm Peter down when she's the reason he's mad in the first place. In a few minutes, Slightly walked further into the woods calling out for (Y/N).


When night fell, that's when (Y/N) climbed down the tree and walked back into the camp. (Y/N) looked up at the sky and saw nothing but complete and utter darkness. She also shivered because of the cold air that just blew past her. Peter must still be upset.

(Y/N) squinted her eyes and used her hands as her guide to go back to the camp. She would sometimes trip on a branch or get pricked by a thorn but nothing major. When she saw the fire of the camp, she knew that she was close. In a matter of minutes, (Y/N) got back to the camp where the Lost Boys were just talking and Peter was just staring at the fire. When she made her presence known, everyone's attention was on her.

Peter stood up and walked towards her. (Y/N) thought that Peter would yell at her but instead, he engulfed her in a hug. (Y/N) gasped in surprise and hugged Peter back.

"You're freezing," he said when their cheeks touched.

(Y/N) nodded as her teeth chattered. Peter led her to the fire so that she'll be warm.

"Felix!" Peter called out. "Get (Y/N) something to eat and let Slightly out now."

(Y/N) let herself warm up by the fire. She sighed contently as she felt the warmth in her skin.

"Sorry Peter," she apologized. "For disobeying you."

Peter looked at her but his eyes were no longer dark. They weren't cold either. They were warm and kind, just like before.

"Are you alright now? Feeling better?" He asked her.

(Y/N) nodded. Felix came out of the woods with Slightly and handed (Y/N) some meat that she ate heartily. The boys went back to what they were doing while (Y/N) was eating. While Peter was just right beside her, waiting for her to finish eating.

When she was done, Peter invited her to come with him to his treehouse. At first, (Y/N) stiffened remembering what happened there earlier. Peter noticed and felt more guilty at what he did earlier. His eyes dropped the ground, thinking that she won't come with him but he was proved wrong when her felt (Y/N)'s hand in his.

"Let's go," she said.

Peter nodded and the both of them appeared in the treehouse. When they got there, Peter waved his hand at (Y/N), healing all the cuts that he gave her. Especially the one at her cheek.

"I'm so sorry," Peter apologized to her. "I-I just lost myself earlier. I promised that I won't hurt you but that's what I did. I hurt you (Y/N). You're better off with Slightly."

"What? No Peter," (Y/N) interjected but Peter wouldn't hear it.

"It's my fault you're hungry. It's my fault you were cold earlier. I'm not good for-"

(Y/N) cut him off with a kiss. Peter wanted to pull away but he didn't have the strength to. He kissed back, feeling all the sparks and butterflies inside of him.

"Did you feel all that?" (Y/N) asked when they pulled away. "The sparks. The butterflies. Everything?"

"Yeah," Peter breathed out.

"Only you can make me feel those things Peter. You and no one else. Not Felix, not Curly and definitely not Slightly," she chuckled making Peter smile. "So don't beat yourself up for this. Ok?"

"Ok," Peter smiled at her. "As you wish my queen."

A/N: AAAAAHHHHHH! I totally failed at this imagine! I wanted to give you fluff but I didn't! I really can't write fluff, you've already seen in my Dylmas imagine.

Don't you fret my dear readers! I will try to make fluff Peter Pan imagines, even if it's the last thing I do.

Also when I write fluff, they're so short. That's why I tried to make it up with the long author's note haha.







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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