104) Clace Imagine: Always

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A/N: This is a sneak peek of my Clace (Clary and Jace from The Mortal Instruments book series/Shadowhunters tv series) fanfic book entitled Always which is now deleted (I feel so stupid for deleting it hahaha. It was a good book!)

It was inspired by "Always," a song written by Beth Crowley. Always is a song she wrote for Snape and Lily since writing songs for book series is her thing. Check out her works in YouTube.

We were both children when,
So full of innocence.
We used to play our games in flowery fields.
You're the one who could see,
The good inside of me.
And I knew then that I had something real.
Beth Crowley - Always

Jace went into the Hunter's Moon, his hood up and his hands in the pockets of his jacket. He told the bartender what he wanted and sat on the stool as he waited for his drink. He laid both his hands on the table and his index finger tapped impatiently.

He wanted to forget. To numb the pain.

He would've normally gone out fighting demons until his anger subsided but he didn't have the energy to do so. He wasn't angry but he was sad. There was no rage inside of him to let out, instead sadness filled his entire body. He couldn't get the imagine out of his head. Clary in the arms of another, who wasn't him.

Earlier, Jace was in the New York Institute. There was nothing for him to do. Alec was with Magnus while Isabelle was helping Simon train. Jace would've gladly watched Simon and occasionally tease him and laugh whenever he'd make a mistake but he wasn't in the mood. He wanted to see Clary, see how she was doing. Clary also lived in the Institute but Jace noticed that he hasn't seen her around today.

He knows that being with Clary is considered dangerous for the both of them because of their feelings for each other. Even if the both of them tried to act like siblings around each other, he can see with the way she looks at him and he knows the way he looks at her that their feelings for each other are still there.

Jace remembered the talk that he and Clary had a few weeks after Sebastian's death.

"Clary, I know how hard this is for the both of us." Jace looked down at Clary's small figure. She was just wearing a light blue blouse and jeans with her usual converse. Even wearing something that simple, she still manages to make his heart beat furiously. "But what we're feeling isn't natural."

"Jace, there are tons of brothers and sisters that fall in love," Clary said.

He raised his eyebrows. "And they know that they are siblings?"

Clary's green eyes seemed nervous and she gulped. "No," she replied. "When they find out, they break up."

As much as Jace didn't want to say it, he knows that he has to, being the oldest in the relationship. "We need to try to see other people."

"Are you?" Clary fiddled with her fingers, her eyes on the ground.

"Am I what?"

"Seeing someone else?" Jace could hear the hurt in Clary's voice that she tried to hide. He didn't like hurting her. He didn't like her being hurt.

"Yeah," he lied.


I'm sorry Clary.

"Jace," her voice sounded weak and defeated. "Since we'll be like siblings now, I'm still shaken up with Jonathan's death and with Simon gone and my mom still hasn't waken up. I'm going to look up to you as my big brother for strength, I'm certain you can give me," she gave him a small smile but Jace can see the hurt and sadness in her eyes.

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