51) Movie Love

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This imagine is for @slendys_daughter543

Robbie Kay X Becky

Becky was so excited that she's gotten the part of the love interest of Robbie Kay. She has been a huge fan of Robbie and got ecstatic when she got the part of his leading lady and love interest. She fixed her hair into a ponytail and drove off into the restaurant where the cast was going to meet fro the first time.

They cast had a private spot in the restaurant. Becky has never been in this restaurant and she's learned that it was owned by the daughter of their director. She walked inside their room and saw that there were still only a few people there. She was greeted by a few people that were there, which was the director and some of the cast. The person she was waiting for wasn't there yet though.

So she sat on one side of the round table and took out her phone. She was then too occupied with her phone that she didn't realize the person sitting on her right. It only took for her to notice when he almost spilled water on her.


Becky moved away from her seat and into the next one to see if there was any water spilled. Thankfully, there was none.

"I'm so sorry for that love," she heard someone say to her.

She lifted her head and saw Robbie Kay who was looking at her sincerely with those green eyes of his.

"I-I. Um," she blushed since she was a mess. "It's alright. Nothing happened."

Robbie breathed out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad that I didn't have a bad first impression with my leading lady."

"Yeah," she chuckled nervously. "I'm glad I didn't have a bad first impression with you."

"I'm Robbie," he offered his hand to her.

"I'm Becky."

She took his hand and shook it.

While they were waiting for the others, the both of them kept each other company. They talked about their lives, past experiences and other things that just came to mind. They really enjoyed each other's company. Their laughter could be heard by a mile away if you would bother to listen.

After a while, everyone was there and they were all complete. They talked about the schedules and the places where they will shoot the movie. They also said that their first reading would be next week. Becky and Robbie listened to the director and producer as they spoke but sometimes they couldn't help but try to distract each other by tickling one another.

At one part, Robbie tickled Becky so hard that she almost bursted laughing. Both she and Robbie silently chuckled and stopped tickling each other.

While they were eating, there was this girl with blonde hair and brown eyes that kept on trying to make a conversation with Robbie. Her name was Emma and she was also part of the cast. It was so obvious that she was flirting with Robbie but he seemed so oblivious to the fact and tried to keep their conversation short so that he could talk with Becky again.

Now, as Becky and Robbie were walking to where their cars were parked, Becky couldn't help but smile remembering Emma's fails of flirting.

"What's the smile all about?" Robbie asked with a smile.

"You do realize that Emma was flirting with you right?"

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now