126) Short Imagines VI: Number One Fan

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A/N: This is an imagine dedicated to father's for Father's Day.

Robbie Kay X Reader (AU)

(Y/N) was a very famous violinist. She was just currently invited to the Buckingham Palace to play for the Queen on her birthday. (Y/N) was really nervous as she was waiting for her to be called. Her Majesty and her family was a different audience than the ones that she has played for before.

But as she stood there, in the middle of a crowd of Royals and people in high places, (Y/N) could feel all her anxiety fade away as well as everyone in the room. All she could see was a big empty room with only her and her father inside. Her father was sitting on an old wooden chair, his face clearly excited for her performance.

Letting out a deep breath and started to play. As each second passed, she got lost in the music. What she was playing was her father's favorite piece.

Her father was a famous actor named Robbie Kay. He provided for her and her violin lessons all the days of her life, for her mother died giving birth to her. He was her number one fan and has supported her ever since day one.

He has encouraged her when she wanted to quit. He wiped away her tears when she missed her mother. He loved her and became her best friend.

"Why do you keep on encouraging me to continue playing the violin father?" She asked one day.

"It's because I can see that you truly love it. You must not let a setback stop you from doing something you love."

That was his reply that was forever stuck on (Y/N)'s mind.

Their lives were perfect together. Her father had a perfect job and (Y/N) had the perfect childhood. Robbie didn't want another girl to be in his life for he's still clearly in love with his late wife and was content with (Y/N).

But their perfect lives couldn't be perfect for so long.

When (Y/N) was seventeen, her father was caught in an accident. He made it out alive, but sadly, his hearing became impaired. He could no longer hear a sound.

Learning this, it broke Robbie's heart for he could never hear his daughter play the violin, but somehow, he didn't let it break his world. Even when he couldn't hear his daughter play, he can see the passion and emotions she conveys whenever she plays the violin. That was enough for him to know that (Y/N) was really playing well.

Her father's portrayal of love was one that always stuck with (Y/N) throughout the years. Even when he was dead, his love is still imprinted on her. Whenever she plays the violin, she could feel his presence with her.

When she played her last note and gave a graceful bow, she could hear the applause from all the sides of the room. But there was one applause that she wanted and that was her father's, whom she could feel watching from above, giving the biggest applause he could for he always claimed to be her biggest fan.







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt