111) SPECIAL XIV: Protector - Part 4

402 19 6

Robbie Kay X Thomas Sangster X Peter Pan X Newt X Reader


Wow how many people are in the woods right now?

(Y/N) turned around and saw Newt, Thomas, and Robbie. Newt was the one who called out to her.

"Hey guys," she greeted them.

"What are you doing here?" Thomas asked her.

"I'm going to a friend's house. What about you guys?"

"We're just walking around and about," Robbie replied. "Hey did you hear that gunshot? Don't think it's safe to be out here."

"Why don't we accompany you to your friends house?" Thomas asked.

(Y/N)'s breath hitched. How will she be able to tell them to get away. If they keep on budging, she'd have to kill them.

"N-No," she told them. "I'm fine."

"But you might get hurt. We have no idea what happens out here and we don't know the people either," Thomas pushed.

"Right. You don't," she muttered.


(Y/N) heard the voice in her head. They've been silent for a while and this was the first time she's heard them again. Thomas walked towards her and tried to take her hand but she hid it away from him.

"Seriously guys, I'm alright. I can take care of myself."

They hesitated, but they finally let her go. The three of them watched as (Y/N) walk away from them .

Robbie and Newt were getting ready to leave and go home. Robbie would help Newt walking since he still has his crutches on. They waited for Thomas but he wouldn't budge.

"Thomas let's go home," Robbie said.

"Why don't you guys go on ahead? I'll stay here for a while."

"Thomas," Robbie sighed in exasperation. "She's perfectly safe. She said so."

"I don't bloody care. I'm still going to look out for her."

"Well if that's your plan. Count me in," Newt limped towards him.

"The both of you will get yourselves in danger all because of a dumb crush!" Robbie rolled his eyes.

Neither one of the boys minded and began to walk or limp. "Are you coming?" Thomas shouted at Robbie.

Robbie wanted to go home and do some homework. But he couldn't let his friends go out there alone. Since one of them is physically disabled and the both of them are blinded a crush. He couldn't let these two wander around the forest alone.


He caught up to his friends and followed them to wherever they were going.


(Y/N) made it to Peter's home just a few minutes late. She hated it when she was sidetracked earlier. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Peter opened the door and greeted her with a smile.

"Hi. You're late."

"I know," she groaned.

"So why exactly are you here?" Peter crossed his arms.

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now