140) SPECIAL XVII: All I Know

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A/N: Hey guys, this'll be my final imagine for this book. Sorry that I couldn't reach the 200 limit, there aren't just any inspirations coming my way that I could use for this book, anymore. This final imagine was a request by @Shin_Jeun, for a continuation for the 3 Reasons Why and One Reason To Stay imagine. I thought it was a perfect way to end the book.

This will be a song fic which will have lyrics from Beth Crowley's song, All I Know. The main pairing in this imagine is also you and Newt, fitting since the book began with you and Newt.

Here we go....I'm feeling a little emotional.

Thomas Sangster X Robbie Kay X Peter Pan X Newt X Reader

(Y/N)'s POV

I had the windows down as Newt drove the car. Newt said that he had a surprise for me which we had to drive to. I keep on wondering what it was.

The last chapter of my story was eleven years ago and it felt like forever. Moving on and letting go was something that I had to do, not anyone else, but I'm glad that I didn't have to go through it alone. I had my parents who truly stuck with me and I also had Newt.

Newt was really someone different from anyone else.

I've been burned too many times

I've made mistakes

God knows I've tried

But now, I think I've got it right with you

Newt has been a real star the past eleven years. He wasn't like Robbie who I haven't seen for years, as well as his cousin Peter. Newt and Thomas are still best friends and we have already put the past behind us. I'm actually a big supporter of his and Dylan's relationship. I know that Dylan is planning to propose next month since he told Newt and I when we got married two months ago.

Yes, I am now Mrs. (Y/N) Whitman.

In between those eleven years were six years of dating for Newt and I before he finally popped the question. The day he proposed was the happiest day of my life and there was not a trace of doubt in my mind on my wedding day.

I can't say that I'm not scared

I'm terrified with how much I cared

But I don't want to be anywhere but here

With you

Newt and I are also in the medical business. Newt is a surgeon and I am a psychologist. We both had our passions for our jobs now because of our past experiences. Thinking about how successful and happy we are made me smile.

"What's are you thinking about?" Newt asked me.

I turned my head towards his and shot him a lopsided smile. "I'm very very happy that I'm right here right now. With you. And I realized that this is the first time I'll say this, but....I'm glad that my life didn't end that afternoon on the bathroom. I'm glad that you were there for me. Even though the road was hard, we had gotten through it."

"I think about that everyday," Newt admitted. "That if things had ended differently, we wouldn't be where we are right now. And I'm always thankful that we're here."

Who can say what tomorrow holds?

Where I'll end up if I take this road?

People come and people go

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now