77) I Hate You Becuase I Love You - Part 3

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A/N: Imagine requested by @GreysonatorsForever. This imagine was also this shank's idea. I just expanded it. I also just changed one teensy weensy tiny thing. Only one thing.

Hope you like it!

Thanks you for the 13,300+ reads!

I know that I used to write this in someone's POV, but I forgot and when I remembered, I was already done with the imagine. So this will be written in third person POV.

Newt X Reader

(Y/N) watched as her friends all left the Glade. She felt a little lonely and empty as she watched all of them leave, especially Newt. Her friends tried to make her change her mind but she wouldn't budge. She's gotten the stubbornness of Gally, as Minho said. Of course she didn't forget to say goodbye to her friends. She hugged each and everyone of them but Newt. They just shared a glance, a look, and then they looked away.

When they were all gone, (Y/N) was with Gally in the Maze Doors. Since there were four doors in the Maze, there were two people on guard on each door. (Y/N) was silently holding her spear. Her gaze at the mystery of what's in the Maze. Gally was right beside her, doing the same thing she's doing. Both she and Gally weren't talking to each other. Both were consumed with their own thoughts. (Y/N) has no idea what that shank was thinking about but she was thinking about Newt and her friends.

When Gally stood up from the grass, (Y/N) was thrown out of her thoughts. She watched Gally as he started to walk towards the Maze. Her eyebrows were furrowed and she had no idea if he was going inside or just getting a better look at something.

"Gally!" (Y/N) called out to him.

He ignored her and kept on walking as if he was in a trance.

"Gally!" She called out to him once more.

She stood up and ran after him and went in front of him, laying her hand on his chest to stop him. That was when she got a good look of his eyes. They were blank and he looked like he was really in a trance. He pushed her away from him causing her to crash on the ground. He glared at her and continued walking inside the Maze.

(Y/N) was contemplating if she was going to let him go or if she was going to follow him to see where he'll go. In the end, she followed him. Gally didn't push her away and just walked as if she wasn't there. She followed him until the both of them were at the Cliff that the other Gladers just got out from. When Gally jumped, (Y/N) was really puzzled. She went towards the edge of the Cliff and only saw darkness. She had no idea if Gally had survived or where he went but she really wanted to jump.

She stayed at the edge for a while. Analyzing what she's going to do and what's down there. (Y/N) then heard screams and cries down under. She recognized who's voice that was. It was Thomas's cries and wails. Without a second thought, she jumped down the dark hole. She landed on her back when she touched the ground, making her groan in pain. Before she can stand, a group of people surrounded her. They weren't the Gladers and (Y/N) could see a name on the vests they were wearing.


(Y/N) felt a prick on her shoulder. Before she can comprehend what it is, she started to feel drowsy. She felt her body being carried away. The last thing she heard before darkness consumed her was, "WICKED is good."


A few days have passed and Dr. Janson was now telling the Gladers of their new trial to go into the Scorch, which they'll get the Cure afterwards. Teresa mysteriously disappeared while Jane was still there with the others.

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now