Ruby gave Maxima one more look and then turned and walked over to the man, and as Dean watched her, she put the man's arm over her shoulder, ready to take him out.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Dean questioned

"The ER...unless you want to go another round first," Ruby taunted

Dean didn't say anything and she walked out with the man. Dean turned to look at Sam, who was watching him.

"Dean," Sam started

Dean didn't say anything and went over to Maxima "You good?"

Maxima nodded wiping her nose and noticed the blood that covered her sleeve as she did it.


Sam was sitting at the table in the motel room, reading a book. Maxima came out of the bathroom when she heard the Impala pull up outside and Dean entered a few moments later. Dean didn't look at Sam, he just walked into the room. Sam looked at Maxima who only shook her head as Sam got out of his chair the minute Dean entered. Dean grabbed his bag and began to pack up his stuff. Sam walked over to him. "Dean, what are you doing?"

Dean just ignored him and continued packing. "Max pack your stuff,"

Understanding the wrath of a Winchester Maxima did as she was told.

"What, are you two leaving?" Sam asked

"You don't need us. You and Ruby go fight demons," Dean grabbed his bag and started for the door. Sam stood in the way so Dean had to go around him.

"Hold on. Dean, come on, man," Sam argued

Dean turned around and punched Sam in the face with his right hand.

"Dean!" Maxima exclaimed by the action as Sam whirled around by the force. Dean just watched him as he turned back around to Dean.

"You satisfied?" Sam asked

Dean hit him again and then threw his bag on the floor. Sam touched his lip, which was bleeding.

"I guess not," Sam said

"Do you even know how far off the reservation you've gone? Dean asked "How from normal? From human?"

"I'm just exorcising demons,"

"With your mind!" Dean yelled before calming down "What else can you do?"

"I can send them back to hell. It only works with demons, and that's it,"

Dean grabbed hold of him and pushed him backward, walking with the force. "What else can you do?!"

"I told you!" Sam exclaimed

Having enough, Maxima used her new ability to push the brothers apart "Enough!"

Dean began to walk away from Sam.

"Look, I should have said something," Sam said

"Sam," Maxima whispered shaking her head as she knew the young Winchester was only digging a deeper hole for himself.

Dean stopped, his back still to Sam.

"I'm sorry, Dean. I am. But try to see the other side here," Sam reasoned

Dean turned around and faced him "The other side?"

"I'm pulling demons out of innocent people,"

"Use the knife!"

"The knife kills the victim! What I do, most of them survive! Look, I've saved more people in the last five months than we save in a year,"

"That what Ruby wants you to think? Huh? Kind of like the way she tricked you into using your powers?" Dean shook his head "Slippery slope, brother. Just wait and see. Because it's gonna get darker and darker, and God knows where it ends,"

"I'm not gonna let it go too far,"

Dean smiled at that, walked over to the wall and hit the lamp on the side table, making it crash and fly.

Maxima flinched as Dean looked angry again.

"It's already gone too far, Sam. If I didn't know you...I would wanna hunt you," Dean said

Sam's eyes are tearful, and he nodded at that, looking down.

"And so would other hunters," Dean continued.

Sam looked up at him "You were gone, Max went back to the FBI. I was here. I had to keep on fighting without either of you. And what I'm doing...It works,"

"Well, tell me. If it's so terrific...then why'd you lie about it to me?"

Sam looked down with that

"Why did an angel tell me to stop you?" Dean questioned

Sam looked up, surprised. "What?'

"Cas said that if we don't stop you, he will," Maxima explained

"See what that means, Sam? That means that God doesn't want you doing this. So, are you gonna stand there and tell me everything is all good?"

The silence was broken when Sam's phone rang.

"Hello?" Sam pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to collect himself. "Hey, Travis. Yeah, hey. Uh...It's good to hear your voice, too, yeah. Um, look, it's not really good time right now. It's-Yeah, okay. Uh, well, just give me the details, and, uh...Carthage, Missouri,"

Dean watched Sam as he walked over to the bedside table and wrote down the location.

"Looking for Jack Montgomery," Sam put down the pen and ended the phone call. Breathing deeply, he looked over at Maxima and Dean. "Looks like we've got a case,"

"Yeah..." Dean sighed as Sam headed for Impala. Dean went for the door as well, only to notice that Maxima hadn't followed him "M&M?"

Max shook her head "I'm not going,"

"What?" Dean closed the door "Why not?"

"Because Dean! Here you are screaming at Sam for using his psychic abilities and saying that it's wrong. But when I did it five minutes ago, you were basically thanking me for saving your life!"

"It's different..."

"How is it different, Dean?! Tell me how?! Because right now the only connection I have with my abilities is the same as Sam, and that's through Azazel...I understand that the only difference is is that my mom didn't die when I was six months old, but maybe that's what makes me even more dangerous,"

"Hey, you're not dangerous," Dean moved her chin so Maxima was looking up at him.

Max pushed him away and shook her head "I've got to go..." she headed outside and walked passed the Impala where Sam watched in confusion.

"Maxima! Max!" Dean grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

"Let go!" Maxima screamed

"Don't go..." Dean whispered

"You don't push me away...and yet you're pushing away the only real family you've got left." Max scoffed as she got herself out of Dean's grip "I'll see you around Winchester,"

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