sixty-third skate: Until the End

Start from the beginning

"Sorry if I haven't been around much but I'll make it up to you real soon." He placed a kiss on my forehead and looked at me.

"Don't worry about me focus on the gold okay?" I said with a smile as he lay his head on mine.

"I know but I want to spend time with you. At least before my grandpa comes over." He said as I smiled and looked at him.

"Yuri it's fine really plus your grandpa has yet to teach me his recipes that he knows." He smiled and just closed his eyes.

"How about we leave a bit early to buy some groceries and later we can order Pizza and watch a movie together."

"Yeah sound perfect to me."

"Hey (F/n) come over we need to start working those jump combinations," Viktor yelled as I sigh.

"I'll see you after practice okay." He smiled and nodded and to practice his routine.

Time skip after practice

I was waiting for Yuri to come out and stood outside. It was getting colder as the days go by and lately the weather seems to get colder.

'What's taking Yuri so long.' I looked at the time and he comes out in a hurry.

"Sorry I had to tell Yakov that I'll be leaving early in order to hang out with grandpa and you." He said as I smiled at how sweet he is.

"Yuri that's sweet of you but focus on your skating too. Don't want to lose against those two." I said as we began to walk to the grocery store near by.

"I won't and you better win gold again this year." He said as he grabs my hand.

"Right." When we reached the store we grab the vegetables and meats. We also got some coffee and almond milk.  After we paid and grab the bags we head back to our place.

"Hey what toppings do you want on the pizza," Yuri asked as he ordered the pizza online.

"(F/t) do you want water or lemonade?" I asked as I grab two cups out of the cabinet.

"Lemonade" I grab the jar of Lemonade that I made last night and pour it into both cups. He logged into Netflix and looked for a movie for us to watch. After a few minutes, we decided to watch 'Suicide Squad' and cuddle together and watched the movie. Soon as the started to introduce the prisoners the doorbell rang and Yuri got up and since I was leaning on him I had to get up as well. He soon came back and place the pizza box on the coffee table and game me a paper plate.

"Here eat before it gets cold." He said as he gave me a plate.

"Thanks, Yuri." We ate and watched the movie and I began to think about how sad it must be for them to be seen as the bad guy now.

I lay my head on his shoulder as he places his arm over my shoulder. Plus with the blanket over us, it feels nice to just be in his arms.

"Hey (F/n) you know I love you right?"

"Yeah I know... why do you ask?"

"Just so I can remind you."

"Well just so I can remind you I love you too my little kitten."

"Yeah yeah I know my little mouse." He said as he kissed my head which was sweet of him. He may be a punk but he's my punk and that will never change.

3rd POV

When the movie was over they were both asleep on the couch and stayed like that until morning. Unfortunately for them Nikolai to the train for him to arrive in the morning. Plus he had a key to the house so he wanted to surprise his grandson and his hopefully future granddaughter. When he got in he looked and see the place clean and nodded of approval and walked towards the living room. He saw the two teens and took a picture of them sleeping made sure to send it to his grandson.

'Well, at least I know that my little Yurachka is being taken care of.' He began to make them some breakfast and try not to wake them up. Unfortunately, someone has a good sense of smell that by the time he was done she was the first to wake up.

"Oh, good morning sorry for waking you up," Nikolai said as she shook her head. She headed to the bathroom to do what she needs to do and Nikolai took this opportunity to wake up his grandson. He grabs to pots and began to make noise with it. Which cause Yuri to fall off the couch and onto the floor.


"I came early to surprise you." He said as (F/n) came out.

"Were sorry that we couldn't come and pick you up at the station."

"It's fine at least I got see my grandson and his girlfriend cuddling together. I even took a picture." Nikolai said as he showed them the picture.

"Can you send me this picture of us." (F/n) asked as he nodded.

"Well, I better get ready for practice," Yuri said as he went to get dressed for the day.

Yuri POV

I looked at my phone and see he sent the picture to me I smiled seeing how adorable she is when she's asleep. I turn my phone off and changed for the day and went to eat with them. They were just talking and waiting for me.

"Yurachka come and join us," Grandpa said as I walk towards them. We began to eat and talk about what has happened lately. Once we were done me and my little mouse wash the dishes and let them dry. We grab our things and headed out to train for a few hours. We promised him we would be back and headed out. While we were walking she began to giggle about something.


"Nothing I was just thinking about something."

"Do I need to guess or are you going to tell me," I asked as she smiled.

"I'll let you guess."

"Is it about how I act with my grandpa?"

"Yeah... I just think it's sweet you care about him a lot and he cares about you too.

"He also some funny stories about what you and how your-"

"Okay I get it just don't remind me." she giggled and grab my hand.

"Yuri I'm glad to have you as my agape."

"Yeah and I'm glad to found you as well. I can be any happier than this.."

"I love you my Russian punk"

"And I love you, my ice queen."


(P.S I hope you like this picture.)


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