Steve: Homeless Hero

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Steve Rogers was a private man in fact he was probably the most private person out of all of the Avengers. He kept to himself when it came to his personal life and talked about his home even less then the rest of the team did and that was saying something when two members were spies.

What the team didn't know was that Steve didn't have a home, didn't have a bed to go home to at night. Didn't have a roof over his head. This might seem crazy but after Shield went under his housing went with it, along with Steve's job. It was then he learned how hard it was for vets to find work that gave them the same level of purpose that protecting their country gave.

The Avenges only called in high level emergencies that thankfully didn't happen often. Steve didn't want that to happen but it was hard to find a job that would keep him in the big city. So he worked as a truck guy, at unbelievably early hours he went on a cold truck to unload it at the stores and restaurants around the city. The pay wasn't great at all, but he only had a back pack of things and it was enough to keep him somewhat fed.

Steve didn't like to admit it when he was struggling, he didn't want to be proud but it was almost like he felt undeserving for whatever help that people would want to offer. So he slept where no one would see him, Sam Willson didn't even know about it, he was busy searching for Bucky for him which he was happy to do. So no one knew Steve was indeed homeless, just like hundreds of men and woman who have served this country. Just another statistic, another face to add to that list.


Steve pulled his hat lower as he carried the last of the boxes of bread into the Starbucks. It was late October beginning of November and it had been a pretty warm fall and a even warmer summer. Steve had been thankful for it he hates the cold and wasn't looking forward to the winter when it got really cold. As he set the last box down a little red head was smiling up at him. It was early but the girl was smiling warmly, she presses a cup full of piping hot coffee into his hands. Stuffing a old bagel into his pocket.

"Thanks Grant have a great weekend." Steve smiled and nodded to her, no one knew his name was Steve and he went by his middle name for security reasons. He had been ignoring the pain in his throat and skull. Ignoring the shivers that shook his body, the uneasiness of his stomach. He couldn't get sick he couldn't he was Steve Rogers he couldn't afford to get sick. He ducked out of the store and rode in the freezing truck in silence. God he didn't feel so good, he didn't stop when he got to the warehouse and grabbed his only backpack that had everything he owned in it even his shield was carefully hidden inside.

He ducked out of the warehouse after picking up his check it wasn't much but he could sit in a IHOP for a few hours and buy a coffee and save the rest for emergencies. He held the cup the Young barista had given him, it was so hot he could feel his pale skin sapping the heat from the cup. He was so cold, as he walked down the street to the closest hidden area he ducked into out of sight. His stomach was rolling at this point and he couldn't see straight, the world seemed to be tilting one way then shifting just as quickly the opposite way.

He couldn't even think of eating the stale bread in his pocket. Even the thought made him lurch and hurl what little he had in his body. He threw up hard making the vertigo all the worse, he didn't know that he was now laying on his side. Didn't remember when that happened, the world around him seem to be sloshing like the ocean and a great storm. His vision now so blurred he could barely make out what was around him, he curled in on himself as his stomach cramped painfully. The wind was picking up as a cough wrecked through Steve's body, the force of it so strong it shook his frame. He was pressing he body behind a dumpster in hopes of blocking the wind as a storm was for sure rolling into town.

He was shivering, he didn't know what was going on anymore didn't know how long he had been laying there in the cold loud wind as he started to feel sleeting rain on his think jacket and head he coughed and sniffed and put his hands over his head as he passed out in a feverish sleep.

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