Bucky and Tony: Not Friends Not Enemies

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It wasn't a secret that Tony Stark and Bucky Barnes weren't friends. After all Bucky had involuntarily killed his parents and Tony had tried to kill both him and Steve.

So no not friends, the furthest thing from it in fact. After Steve has let his shield clang to the ground and his had dragged his friend out of there Tony felt something deep in his chest...regret.

Months had slide by and Bucky now having a new arm and his mind clear if hydra thanks to the Wakanda Doctors. Maybe it was fate, maybe it was stupid luck, maybe it was the fact deep down Bucky always did what was right.

But when James Barnes and Tony Stark are trapped and injured to boot it puts to the test of the men can look past their differences and work together to stay alive.

Working against the clock with Ross on Bucky's tail and Steve trying to find them the question is, will they survive and if they do will Bucky still be a free man?

Keep reading to find out.


"Steve it's a standard OP, I can handle it."

"It's not that I think you can't handle it it that Ross is dangerously close right now and it's too risky." The two men had been going back and forth on wether or not Bucky should go on. A recon mission in Phoenix Arizona, it was low key and Intel gathering only. It was cut and dry and very easy and Bucky was dying to get out and stretch his legs.

"Steve I can't stay locked up here forever I need to go out!" Steve sighed and looked at his friends desperate eyes.

"Fine but low key Barnes I mean it." Bucky grinned to himself, looks like he was going to Phoenix.


Bucky was good at not being seen, he was very good at it. Blending into the crowded streets and the heavy heat. God it was hot, Bucky could feel the sweat dripping down his neck as
he put the last of his Intel into his bag and started his bike. It as he had said was an easy mission very low key and nothing to worry about.

All he was going to do now was check out an abandoned place in the dessert and be on his way.

It didn't take him long to get there and see it was an old mining sight. Mine shafts and old wells, it look a lot like an old west movie. He shit off his motorcycle and eyed the place, it was oddly quiet making the solider uneasy.

He took out his hand held gun, his SIG 9mm. He loved his gun and always felt better when he had it in his hand, his metal arm hurt. The heat not helping matters as he winced as it moves with his body.

Then he heard a sound, one that made his blood run cold. Then with a clunk Bucky went tense as Iron Man  stood a few feet in front of him.

"You couldn't hide for long." Bucky felt his body go ridged, this was very bad if Stark was here then Ross wasn't far behind. He knew he was going to have to fight his way out of this but also knew he could kill Stark or harm him too bad Steve wouldn't want that.

Bucky watched as Stark walked towards him, but it was then Bucky looked down and saw something hidden in the dirt. It took a second but he then saw what it was and his head lurched upward. This was not good, for hidden in the dusty sand was a mine, a land mine.

"Stark! Don't move!" He yelled trying to earn the bucket head but Stark didn't stop, he sped up.

"Not going to happen you asshole!" Bucky didn't have time to think, didn't have time to talk himself out of it. Didn't have time to run just react, he leapt forward just as Stark touched the mine. Knocking him out of the way just as it blew, then another and another! Bucky felt his side burn in pain as the ground below them gave way and they were swallowed by the dark and dust. Bucky loosing himself and passing out from pain.

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