What I am Capable Of (De-Aged Thor) 

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"Half the time when brothers wrestle, it's just an excuse to hug each other."

James Patterson

"Once a brother, always a brother, no matter the distance, no matter the difference and no matter the issue."

Byron Pulsifer


Loki knew he wasn't a good person, he never claimed to be a good person or at least by the standards of what a good person is supposed to be. He didn't care if someone he barely knew didn't get the job they wanted, didn't shed a tear when he watched Midgardian movie with a sad ending. He just didn't have any wish to be anything but himself and the older he got the less he cared to be around other people. Because with any forms of relationships came this expectations of what and how you are supposed to respond to X-Y-Z and he was too tired to be anything anymore. After the TVA he was just exhausted of being anything and he decided he was best to just be alone.

Not so unlike the variant of himself that he had met but instead of a distant planet he chose a small town in Maine named Brookes. He had a small house which he had bought outright with the money yes he had stolen but the person who had it had been an awful person which negated any guilt at having taken it. It had 2 bedrooms all on one floor and a small kitchen that Loki had filled with plants. The plants gave him something to do everyday, the place was filled with wood everywhere. The floors and the walls and everywhere, almost every wall had built in bookshelves which Loki filled with every kind of book he could find. He had cut his hair short so his dark locks were so much easier to manage by Midgard standards thought he still had his magic which he only used in the safety of his home.

Anyone who had known him before wouldn't know him, he wore Midgardian clothes like slacks and dress shirts. He found the style close enough to what he was used to that he didn't mind it. He had one cat that was a small orange tabby that had wondered into his life not long after he had moved here. The pesky thing had been determined and Loki wasn't too harsh when he did try to get the cat to leave him alone. But the creature had stayed and now lived in the house with a black collar with a tag that read Finnic which seemed to fit her somehow.

Loki had chosen this time as well because this was where his brother was, the year 2023 not long after the fall of Thanos in the local papers. He didn't have cable after all but he had one TV with a VHS and DVD player. Loki couldn't count how many times he had almost gone to his brother, sometimes even as close as the outskirts of New Asgard but...

What would he say? How could he even begin to explain what had happened?

'Hey Thor I broke the sacred timeline when the Avengers came back to save the world and was kept in custody of the TVA until I won my freedom how's it going?'

No, that was utter rubbish, after so many attempts at plucking up the courage to see him, he gave up. Thor needed to heal and move on and Loki was no good for him, Loki would only tell his cat over a bottle of brandy how much he missed Thor and would deny he had cried long into the night at the loneliness he felt. This was his penance, his reward for the pain he had caused over all the timelines. To be utterly alone forever and always, expect his cat and his books. He had grown a fondness for Midgard's literature far more enjoyable than he cared to admit, he grew most of his food and his days were filled with reading, gardening and writing in his journal. He had so much to say and no one to say it to so he wrote and wrote in his native tongue to top it off.

But Tuesday's those were important, every other Tuesday he would get into his enchanted truck that had come with the home and rode the forty miles into town. Bright and early so he would give him most of the afternoon to get what he needed to done. To get the things he couldn't grow or make himself, which wasn't much to be frank but still. He made his own soap and cleaners and his magic handled the rest, so he got things like meat and fish and a few odds and ends that he just liked. His three favorite stores though he spent the most time in, the first was a loose leaf and coffee shop where a delightful older women name Patsy ran. She was from Ireland and had bright red hair that had silver streaks in it, she had been in the states for over 30 years and knew her stuff. She always beamed at him when he came in and waved him over, she was short and round so he always had to bend to hug her. He had given up on trying to fend her off and yielded to her open affection. Besides even former gods of mischief needed a hug from time to time. She always said the same thing when he walked in and the bell jingled, to the point Loki could recall it from memory.

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