Little Loki (De-aged Loki fic)

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Requested by the_doctor_lies enjoy love

This is cannon divergent if that isn't obvious, it's been a while guys glad to be here.


It's been three years since the battle of New York and a lot has changed in that time. The civil war between the heroes had come and gone and the team was still healing from the wounds caused by the line in the sand being drawn. Bucky was no longer under hydras control and had been expunged from his charges while he had been the winter soldier. But that didn't mean that Tony and him were on friendly terms. Barnes kept his distance in fact the other Avengers were all positive that the only reason he was even allowed to be here was this pact Tony and Steve had made. No one was sure what was said when they worked things out, what was said but they couldn't complain at the result. Thor was back and sporting a short hair cut that had the girls swooning, saying how sexy it was.

Thor was also so different, he was distant at the best of times. He wouldn't say what had happened since he had last been with them right after Ultron. But whenever it was brought up he got this look in his eye, he only had one now though Tony and Bruce were working on something for that. It was nice to have Bruce back as well and he wouldn't say what had happened to Thor or why they now had an island off the shores of Greenland called 'New Asgard' from what little the team had been able to gather was that Asgard was gone. His family was now all dead with no one left of them, that Valkyrie an elite women warrior of Asgard was governing those people while Thor was with the Avengers.

They had each tried to get Thor to talk to them but he flat out refused every time, changing the subject or he would just walk away. It seemed like he was a different person, long gone was the joyous booming laugh that would make your ears ring. Or the bone crushing hugs that would make you so sure that your lungs would surely explode. His stories of times long ago or his drinking contests with Nat and Steve. He was this hallowed out version of himself and it was almost painful to see. But strange enough Thor seemed to be spending most of his free time not with Bruce but with Bucky. The two of them often seen in the early mornings with strong cups of coffee and soaked in sweat from morning runs. Tony often joked it was a needing a mechanical body part that drew them together but Natasha thought it was more than that. Perhaps Bucky was all that met the eye because he seemed to be winning over all the hearts one Avenger at a time, maybe that was why it was so perfect that Bucky was the one that found...him.


Bucky liked to believe he was a simple man. He really didn't need much to be happy, but happy was a loose term really. 'Not falling apart' was a better agitative to describe how he was dong. But he guessed he was doing better all things considered. He was with the Avengers now, not because he felt the need to be a hero because really he didn't. But Steve was here and Steve wanted him here and that was all he had at the moment. He didn't mind the others, Natasha was easy to get along with. She would lean forward and whispers the dirtiest jokes she could in either Russian or Romanian in his ear. Anything she could to get him to crack a smile, he was sure Stark thought they were plotting. Clint was relatively easy as well, he didn't force it, he was just himself around Bucky and to be honest he liked that about the guy. He would hand Natasha a coffee and then pass a mug to Bucky because he knew that Bucky could not function without it.

Stark was strained at the best of times but he put up with him because of Steve and the kid. Peter loved Barnes and for some reason Bucky didn't mind. Stark put up with their friendship because Peter had made it very clear that he liked 'Mr. Barnes' and no one was going to stop him. Besides the kid always had him help him with his homework though Bucky was sure he really didn't need his help. Steve was...Steve. Bucky could only be around him for short times because there was all this, expectation when he was. Like he thought Bucky was going to be that friend he knew from all those years ago and in truth that Bucky was long dead. Out of the ashes was this broken veteran and POW who was just trying to get by. Sure he remembered stuff but this kind of trauma changed a person. He couldn't be that guy anymore and it hurt to be around someone who WANTED that so desperately. Maybe that was why he was hanging out with the norse guy so much. Thor was in a similar headspace as he was and he hadn't known him before so it had been easy to fall into a pattern with the guy.

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