Peter: Unknown Pains

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Requested by LukaLullaby


It has been a years since the Avengers had taken him in. After all he had been through he was happy to have a place he could call home. Living with the Avengers was pretty cool, Tony had brought him in so he was very protective of him don't get him wrong Peter knew all the Avengers would die to save him and take care of him but Tony feeling more responsible for him. Then there was Steve Rogers, but that was a different story all together, Steve had found him hiding in the living room one night after a horrible nightmare and stayed with him and comforted him until he was able to fall asleep around 5 am.

So both Avengers were very protective of him, and when all hell breaks loose and they don't know want is going on why well you can imagine how they reacted...


"But waffles." Clint whined as Peter started mixing the mix for pancakes. Peter wasn't a 5 star cook or anything but he could make breakfast and Steve loved blueberry pancakes so that's what he was making and then Clint proceeded to whine because waffles were better even though Peter liked pancakes more.

"I'm making pancakes Clint if you want waffles you can make them." Peter says cheerfully, the rest of the team was coming in slowly Tony making it straight way for the coffee pot, Wanda sitting on a stool at the breakfast bar, Thor was rubbing his eyes and Natasha looked nice in Bucky's tee shirt and sweatpants. Bucky coming in with just his sweatpants and no shirt his now short hair a mess rubbing his eyes.

Steve the last to enter with Sam the two looking like they'd been up for at least an hour Sam looking exhausted while Pietro walked in behind them. Everyone was there and it warmed Peter's heart, everyone either sitting at the breakfast bar or at the table that Peter could still see everyone.

Then there was that stab of pain again in his side, it was sharp and hot and had gone from coming around every few days to every few hours to a dull constant throb to the throb plus sharp pains. And yes he knew he should probably have told someone but he was fine and it would probably go away.

He didn't know he had rested one of his hands on his side but removed it just as quick. That was until he was flipping some pancakes and the pain was so much he nearly cried out and crumpled to the floor in a ball. He felt a cold metal hand first, that makes sense Bucky had been behind him. Then he heard Tony, why was everything so loud?

He knew someone was saying his name but he couldn't place it. Knew the voice was there, he saw Steve then or well he thought it was Steve and then felt a small but gentle hand on the nape of his neck rubbing gently. Natasha...that was for sure her he knew her hands because she has done this when he couldn't sleep from nightmares.

But he couldn't place anything, it was all jumbled and lord Jesus his side hurt! And then he threw up...and the world went black.


Bucky was a very level headed man, or he liked to think he was. Very rarely did he flip out outwardly, if he panicked it was on the inside because someone had to be the common sense when Sam wasn't around.

Parker had fallen, and as he knelt next to him and did his best to control his panic and worry. He could see the fear in Steve's eyes as he called Peters name and Tony got on the phone calling Bruce and other doctors in the building. But he just crouched there having his hand on the kids back and leg while Natasha rubbing the kids neck.

The two of them locked eyes and Natasha whispered in Russian, "we must remain calm, it won't help him if we all panic." Bucky gave her a slight nod, she was right everyone else was almost running up the wall in terror and the poor kid was on the floor. Bucky set himself and with gentle care lifted the boy into his arms and stood up slowly. Peter was shaking and then the boy threw up he had been mostly coherent until he upchucked so hard there was blood.

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