Steve: (Reader AU) Pageing Big Brother Buck

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You were a pretty calm person, keeping your head when stress would normally get the better of anyone else. Maybe that was why you were able to date an Avenger and not just any Avenger THE first Avenger.

You and Steve Rogers had met in the Apple Store of all places, you being one of the Apple Genius' and him coming in more clueless then anyone you had ever met. More over he was such a gentlemen and blushed every time he asked a question. After a few trips in he finally got the courage to ask you out and you said yes of course.

He was so sweet and kind and you barley batted an eye when he told you he was Captain America. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out, on the upside you two had been dating for almost six months and it couldn't be better. That was until you were faced with a challenge, something that would make most people run in terror andl shake in their boots.

Something so crazy and out of your league that yes even you had to call in back up. What is this  thing you must face you may ask?

Well...a very ill Steven Grant Rogers.


*Knock *Knock *Knock

"Steve I know your in there open the door." There you were standing outside your boyfriends door of his apartment. Steve has been acting strange the last few days, after he had come home from a mission it was like he was doing everything in his power to stay away from you.

So since you lived right below him downstairs you had marched up there and banged on his door but he wasn't answering. Your anger was turning into worry, Steve never acted like this and now that he was it made you uneasy.

"Steve open up...please I'm worried about you." It was then you heard a muffled thump and your worry spiked even more. You were about to try and brake the door down when it swung open and the man standing before you wasn't the Steve you knew. This Steve had on sweats and a baggy tee shirt, this Steve had dark bags under his eyes with clammy skin and a flushed face he didn't look good. His nose was so red it would make Rudolph blush, then if that hadn't been enough Steve let out a heart stopping sneeze and cough that caused him to bend over with the force of it.

You reached out and put your hands on his shoulders doing your best to steady the obviously very ill solider.

"Steve what happened to you? How can you be so sick?" You were more worried then you had ever been before, nothing ever shook you up or made your gut clench but this did. Seeing the man you loved like this made you bite your lip to hide the worry you were feeling.

"M'not sick....goin' to the gym..." Your mouth opened upon hearing his thick Brooklyn accent.

"Steve Grant Rogers have you looked in a mirror?" Steve looked at her with glazed over eyes, he looked so sick. Like he was about pitch forward and you knew you couldn't hold up the large man.

"I am fine...I don't...excuse me..." Steve took off back into his apartment leaving you standing there stunned. It was then you heard faint sounds of someone being sick in the bathroom and your heart sank even more. You hurried to the door and knocked on it, you were only met by more silence.

" the door please I just want to help you." You leaned on the door and prayed he would let you in. Steve was a super hero, he didn't get sick, he was your rock to lean on and your anchor to ground you. He was always there for you and you couldn't be more grateful for it. But this...

Steve put up an act you knew, kept up the Captain America face if he was hurting. And now he wouldn't let you help him, all you wanted to do was for him what he did for you.

"I'm...I'm fine...(Y/N)...please I just want to be left alone." It was those words that pushed you over the edge, those words that made you do something you told yourself that you would never EVER do. Something that if you did it you knew Steve would be more then angry with you, but you didn't know what to do and that was a first for you.

Marvel Comic Whump/sick ficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora