Bucky and Tony: Not the kids fault

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Tony let out a sigh, as he leans back in the seat of his car. He was tired so very tired and worn thin, his body and mind were being pushed to the limit. Ross had been working him to the bone and he didn't know if he could keep doing this anymore, he was so stressed out and just wanted to curl into a ball and die that sounded like a good idea right now.

So he was taking a drive to destress, he was deep into the thick woods where there wasn't a car in sight. He was relaxing just a bit when he saw a car way out in front of him. The car was going pretty fast and Tony watched as the car smashed into something halting and then speeding off...a hit and run.

Tony got to the spot as quick as he could and pulled his car to a stop and got out of the car. There was no one there but Tony felt his gut clench as he saw blood, more blood then what should be out of a persons body and it led into the woods. Tony didn't even hesitate and followed the trail of blood.

Tony knew he was being crazy it could just be an animal that was hit but he couldn't shake the feeling that he NEEDED to follow the trail. Something was wrong, and Tony quickened his pace. There was a slight hill at by the looks of the trail the person or thing had fallen down the hill. Clint had given most of the Avengers a crash course in tracking and Steve had given them a few tricks he had learned in the army.

Tony felt a pang in his chest thinking of his former team mates. Steve's phone that he had sent had been tucked into a safe place at the compound. Tony didn't want to say anything to Vision or Rhodey...that he was lonely, that he missed Steve's bashful nature and Natasha's hard glare when Clint and Tony said something stupid. He missed Wanda cooking with Vision in the kitchen...he missed Clint's pranks and Thor's booming laugh.

That's the thing about the good ole days they always leave and you move on. Tony shook his head getting his thoughts together and carefully made his way down the hill. At the bottom was a rock that was just large enough to hide a person behind it. Tony made his way around and what he saw was like a punch in the gut.

For laying in a heap of sweat blood and pain was none other...then James Buchanan Barnes...


Bucky hated himself, hated the fact that he drew the avengers apart and that Steve had gotten hurt in more ways in one. That was why he ran away, that's why he had snuck out in he dead of night and had been running ever since.

It was late at night and he was walking through the thick of the forest when he got to a rode. It was the middle of the night in he middle of backwoods nowhere. It was quiet, but he was still on edge his anxiety was so high he couldn't handle it he was trembling as he started making his way across the the rode. He didn't see it coming didn't hear the car but the force and speed in which he was hit could've killed him.

Pain exploded in his body and he laid on the rode, fear gripped him. He struggle to his feet and staggered his way into the woods, he was in agony and was only able to make it a short way before he fell down and hill and pulled himself behind a rock to somewhat protect himself.

Bucky hated this feeling he was scared out of his mind, he didn't know what was going to happen to him and his anxiety was so high he couldn't breathe he was panicking. Bucky was able to open his eyes and look up and he saw...Tony Stark....oh no...Bucky was now terrified. He did t want to get locked up and used again he couldn't he couldn't do it!

But Bucky was not prepared for what happened next...


Tony was stunned and shell shocked, he was not expecting Barnes to be just sitting there in a ball on the ground. A bloody ball. It was then Tony saw Bucky was looking at him and those eyes...Never had Tony seen such fear and panic in someone's eyes, he looked so...young...his hair was cut short and he looked...like a kid.

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