Alex Summers: It will be alright

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Hello all my wonderful people! I know I haven't been here very much and I am sorry for that but I cooked up this little thing not that long ago I've been reading a ton of X-Men comics so these are faced very much on Scott and Alex relationship in the comics and not in the movies. But the actors are the ones that we see in the movies that's how I always will picture them out Scott from the original X-Men movies and Alex from the X-Men first class movies I hope you guys like this because I really love these characters and their relationship and I just isn't enough FanFiction's of any either of them! So I had to remedy that hope you like it!


Alex groaned pressing his forehead harder into Scott shoulder. This was unlike anything he had ever felt before, unlike any stitches or broken bones he ever had in the past. It was like this pressure would build throughout his body but mostly sitting on his chest. He was always hot all over like his blood was cooking from the inside. But the worst part was this rattle in his bone whenever he felt like he was about to explode. All the sensations hiding him from every corner, like if he felt one more feeling even if it was a kind one it would be too much.

But Scott was stubborn, Summers were like that. This boldfaced tenacity in the face of whatever was in front of them. Scott was that, in simple terms. Scott was a fighter he faced his problems and plowed his way through them. That's how he got here, he broke out of an orphanage and made his way here. Not Alex, he wasn't like that, he was a runner. He didn't know when he first ran off because of everything being so much. It was probably right after he had gotten to Hawaii. There had been talk about his foster family adopting him and changing his name. He didn't want to change his name, he had it in his head if they did his family wouldn't find him again.

So he ran, he ran and he hid and the police were called and it was a whole ass thing. He had gotten in so much trouble that day. But no one seemed to get it though. Alex was an angry kid, angry and bitter and he tended to lash out. He didn't hit girls though, he had morals after all.

But that was besides the point, Alex was a runner he got freaked out and he ran and plowed over anyone in his way. But Scott wouldn't let him run and hide, wouldn't let him sit and spiral alone. He'd always find him and crawl over next to him and hold him. Sometimes it made Alex angry, because it was far more familiar for him to be alone when he was like this. When he was so angry and upset he couldn't breathe. None of his foster families or even his grandparents knew Alex well enough to be able to know where he would go to hide.

Scott knew, Scott always knew and it was infuriating sometimes.

So here they were sitting on the damp ground with Alex practically curled into his lap with his face pressed as hard as he could into Scott's shoulder. He kept telling him to breathe, his hands anchors on his back and shoulders. One of them would moved up and down between his shoulder blades with firm pressure. He hated this, hated that he couldn't control this and anytime this happened it freaked him out. Like he would just erupt like. Volcano and hurt people which only cause him to freak out more. Yet Scott was still here, Alex didn't even know how long they'd been here anymore. Sweat was sticking to his head and skin and making him uncomfortable. Scott hadn't talked in a while, Alex was coming down from his freak out and it was always quiet when he did.

Like Scott knew he needed to ground himself, he wasn't pressing as hard now into his brother but one hand was still fisted in his brother shirt. The silent demand clean in that gesture.

'Don't leave, don't disappear, stay with me, don't go again'

He couldn't handle loosing Scott again, he sagged as the last of the rattling energy dissipated from him. Leaving him aching and tired, Scott leaned back a bit so they'd be more comfortable. Alex waited a long moment before he asked what he has always been too scared to ask.

"Hey Scott?"


"Were you scared?...ya know when this happens to you?" His voice was strained but clenching his jaw for so long. Even to his own ears he sounded pathetic, what was he thinking asking that he-

"Yes, I was terrified." Scott's answer stopped the spiral from creeping back up. He was rubbing his back again, more grounding techniques. "Suddenly my world shattered, and I was so scared I would hurt someone or myself and that I'd never see again. But I did I got help from good people."

Alex shivered as the sweat dried on his skin. Scott pulled his coat over Alex's back, he had taken it over a while ago because Alex ran so hot. Alex sat in silence for a long time before he said.

"I'm scared Scott." The admission of that fact broke him further but he felt Scott hold on him tighten. Alex couldn't help but curl even closer to him, he didn't care that he wasn't a little kid anymore. Who decided it wasn't ok for teenager to need hugs? He felt like he needed hugs way more now than when he was a kid. Maybe it was because he didn't trust a lot of people to hug him after the crash. Maybe he was hug deprived?

"I know Alex, but I promise we will figure this out okay?" Alex nodded just face hidden in his brothers shirt, part of him felt ridiculous but the more dominant part wasn't about to let go. "It's okay to be scared, but if I can learn to control it you can to. It's just practice and the professor is really good at this stuff man, we will figure it out and I'll be right there with you the whole time."

Alex couldn't stop the soft plea from coming out, "promise?" Scott held him tighter, like he to didn't want Alex to vanish.

"I promise"

That was all Alex needed before he sagged completely and fell asleep. Because Scott didn't lie to him, and if he made a promise he kept it. He was safe, for once he felt safe enough he didn't want to run away.

Because his big brother was there, and it would be alright.

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